Is The Gardasil Vaccine An Experiment on Your Children?
Since the introduction of the Gardasil vaccine, there has been a growing concern about safety and efficacy. As our vaccine producers come up with more vaccines, we must continue to fight this theory as dangerous and unnecessary. What is a theory about the cause of cancer, having never been proven, are the grounds for this vaccine. Once a vaccine to prevent HPV infection is raised as a weapon to prevent cervical cancer.........
by Mary Tocco
History’s "Nostradamus Effect" Part 3
No doubt Antichrist aptly fits the description of the powerful “free-world supra-national political being” to which Nelson Rockefeller referred in the Future of Federalism (1962). Similarly, Nostradamus anticipated three antichrists—each more evil than his predecessor. All three were charismatic, messianic kings of terror, representative of the Devil on earth. In the esoteric world, the Law of Threes is well known. Although.......
by Debra Rae
California Senatorial Candidate Responds to Muslim Hooliganism
As school teachers, we witness our students being soft-balled the "religion of peace" so often, that to denounce it for the bloodthirsty, contentious plague that it is, is to be accused of "hate crimes." So it is we, the teachers, who must bear the burden of dumbing down several generations of Americans, teaching “feel good” lessons, diluting the uniqueness of the American Revolution, diminishing the strength of character.....
by Rabbi Nachum Shifren
Patriotism Cooling': Dissing America
Americans must stop allowing themselves to be intimidated by the left. Under threat of taking it out on their kids via a lower grade, parents were forced to watch the Al Gore propaganda global warming movie. Gore's film is another "cut" to our country. It contributes to the left's orchestrated, anti-patriotic, "we're the world's bad guys" agenda...
by Lloyd Marcus