Congress refuses to bring home millions of jobs McCain to FDA: Regulate Joe the Plumber A Concurring Opinion For Secession, Part 4 and 5 How Many more millions of immigrants can America handle?
Unemployment checks are replacing paychecks. This has done nothing to restore our most important and good paying job sectors. This has done nothing and will do nothing towards putting Americans back to work. More Band Aids to cover the massive bleeding. Employers will not hire unless there is an increase in their business and 17 MILLION unemployed Americans are only buying diapers, food, gas and other essentials. Too many are living in tents or their cars. Then, there........
Under Senator McCain’s bill everyone from Joe the Plumber to the local health food store owner to the large multi-national supplement manufacturer and distributor must report to FDA their names, addresses, dietary supplement products they held and sold, and the ingredients of those products, or go to jail. For the first time in American history, every person who distributes supplements will be tracked by the federal Food and Drug Administration, subjecting him or her to.......
by Attorney Jonathan Emord
Perhaps one of the best sources to determine whether the states voluntarily assented to a federal compact or whether the whole people created a perpetual federal government at the exclusion of the state’s right to secede is the states’ ratification documents themselves. “[T]he publication of the Proceedings and Debates of the states must, at least, be useful [to determine] what the states really intended to grant to the general.......
by Attorney Timothy Baldwin
Within this growing and entrenched poverty and illiteracy paradigm, the numbers explode beyond recapture. In my last column, I urged a cap of 100,000 immigrants a year. Dozens of emails urged me to promote a 10 year moratorium. In my book, America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans, I DID advocate a 10 year moratorium. If we don’t stop the massive immigrant in-bleeding, we cannot hope to save our educational systems or repair our illiteracy rates.....
by Frosty Wooldridge
Monday, 15 February 2010
February 15, 2010
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Britannia Radio