Daily Mail, 15 February 2010 What exceedingly strange times we are living in. Normally, governments propose a policy, the Opposition opposes it and then there is a row. But what has happened in the past few days is that, on the urgent issue of paying for long-term care for the elderly, the row exploded before we knew anything about the policy. Indeed, it seems the Government has even now not finished formulating its proposals. Stranger still, Health Secretary Andy Burnham and his Opposition counterparts were trying to do something so controversial that they had secretly suspended hostilities and been working on the plans together — only to fall out in the most spectacular style. The first we heard of any of this was a report that Burnham wanted to introduce a £20,000 compulsory levy, deducted from the estates of people after they had died, to fund long-term care — but that colleagues were worried about proposing something so controversial near a general election. Within 48 hours, the Tories unleashed a hard-hitting poster branding this a £20,000 ‘death tax’ — to which the Prime Minister hit back with the revelation that the Tory health spokesman Andrew Lansley had been involved in secret talks with Burnham and their Lib Dem counterpart, Norman Lamb, to try to reach a consensus on this very issue. There followed a stand-up row in the Commons, in which Burnham screamed at Lansley that he had committed an appalling betrayal of trust by using a proposal they had been privately discussing — and which was not yet Labour policy — as a weapon with which to attack the Government. Extraordinarily it was then claimed that Lansley had failed to tell his boss, David Cameron, what he was up to. Quite what Lansley was playing at is still a mystery — as is what Cameron knew about these secret talks, and when. Nevertheless, it looks as if the Tories couldn’t resist playing dirty, turning an idea that Burnham was merely discussing in good faith into ammunition to fire at Labour. For the £20,000 ‘death tax’ idea (first floated in a green paper last year) seems to have been one of several options under discussion. To claim in lurid terms that this was Labour’s official policy seems a low blow indeed. Although Burnham reacted like a scalded cat, it has emerged that the Government has employed pollsters to test the idea of a 10 per cent tax on post-death estates to fund elderly care. So it looks as if the Government had been leaning towards this idea. Now, Burnham has said he will resume the consensus talks, but that the Tories can participate only if they withdraw their devastating poster. Since they will obviously do no such thing, it would appear that now it is Burnham’s turn to play politics by seeking to portray the Tories as spoilers. Meanwhile, Lansley is seeking to lay down his own conditions by declaring that he will rejoin the talks only if a compulsory levy is ruled out. Long-suffering voters’ heads will surely be spinning. They will conclude in despair that the two sides are as bad as each other in playing political games instead of attempting to resolve this issue — of such desperate concern to so many — in a mature and responsible manner. For what everyone does agree is that the current situation with regard to care for the elderly is simply unsustainable. With people living ever longer and with increasing levels of frailty, there is just not enough money to look after them properly. The social care provided to help old people stay in their own homes is often hopelessly inadequate; to pay for long-term residential care, people often have to sell their houses; and the standard of care in residential homes is often shamefully low. The political row that has now erupted has all but obscured the merits or otherwise of the actual proposals being put forward. The fact is that no one has come out of this uproar well. If Lansley’s behaviour was underhand and the Tories’ poster was grotesque, Labour’s ‘death tax’ idea is a shocker. Nothing is certain in life, it is said, except death and taxes. One might add that a death tax is nearly certain to create yet more injustice. First, it would penalise those whose relatives have lived all their lives in their own homes — or, worse still, those who had actually been looking after them. Second, it is particularly repellent to take money from people after they have died. It’s bad enough now if folk have to sell their homes to pay for their care. But this new proposal would be the equivalent of grave-robbing. ‘No taxation without representation,’ goes the old cry: maybe that should now be updated to ‘no taxation without respiration’. Even more fundamental, there is absolutely no guarantee that this ‘death tax’ would actually be used for long-term care. Bitter experience tells us that all such revenues simply vanish into the inexhaustible maw of the Treasury and the black holes of public expenditure into which it pours our money. Achieving a consensus is a nice idea in theory. In practice, it founders on profound ideological divisions. For Labour, the solution to the care problem — like everything else — consists of top-down, state-controlled funding. Yet that pattern of taking money in taxes and disbursing it through the Treasury has been tested to destruction in the NHS. The truth is that we have to find new ways of delivering public services. People need to exercise the leverage of choice to ensure that standards are kept high; they also need to take responsibility for their own provision. Because the sums involved in providing adequate long-term care are so immense, solutions need to be creative and flexible. One of the problems contributing to this crisis is that fewer people are prepared to look after their aged relatives. Partly this is because so many women who would previously have done so now work; partly it is because family breakdown has eroded the bonds of love and duty. One option ought to be to provide tax and other incentives and support to enable more people to look after their elderly relatives. With increasing levels of frailty and degenerative disease, adequate support for carers is not a cheap option — and the number of people who need residential care will inevitably continue to grow. The fairest and most effective way of funding all this is through some kind of insurance. The Tories have proposed a voluntary insurance premium on retirement of around £8,000 against the future risk of residential care. But without compulsion, it is unlikely that enough people will pay enough to meet the demand. Solving the problem of funding long-term care is as complex and difficult as it is imperative. Year after year, politicians have flinched from the inescapable fact that if high-quality care is to be provided for an ageing population, people are going to have to dig deep into their pockets. Politicians need to treat the public like adults over this. But first they have to stop playing puerile games themselves.
Monday, 15 February 2010
February 15, 2010
No taxation without respiration
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Britannia Radio