Sunday, 21 February 2010

February 18, 2010

Our sincere apology. We accidentally forgot to send out Thursday's alert. Here it is.

Throw the lying bums out - or suffer the consequences
Our government is full of men and women who have violated their oath and they have done it with impunity. They have shackled our posterity with debt, forced Christians to violate their religious liberty through government edicts, permitted the Judicial Branch to legislate from the bench, and made a shambles of the Constitution they have sworn to “protect and defend.”........
by Coach Dave Daubenmire

What is Killing American Babies?
Thanks to very ambitious pharmaceutical companies, with the help of pediatricians, the American government and schools across the country, the USA has produced the most highly vaccinated infants in the world. We give American babies up to three times the vaccines as other first-world countries. While we have earned a “blue ribbon” for our vaccine rates, we are close to earning the “booby prize” in another category that should devastate every parent in the country........
by Dr. Renee Tocco

Easter Bunny Reports "NAIS is Dead"
As I reported after returning from the NIAA (National Institute for Animal Agriculture) meeting last August, rumors of the death of NAIS have been greatly exaggerated. The USDA has finally admitted that they have too much negative publicity surrounding the name NAIS, and that they actually have to do what they tried to do in the first place: get the states to do their bidding on 'animal identification' and 'traceability' according to......
by Doreen Hannes

The Jackpot Anchor Baby: Transforming America
As a teacher, I watched the destruction of American classrooms in Denver, LA, Chicago, Detroit, Dallas and Miami. With over 50 different languages in major city schools, millions of fatherless children and no appreciation for or understanding of American educational standards and culture, those anchor babies slowly and today more speedily transform America into another country inside our own country......
by Frosty Wooldridge

February 21, 2010

Going to the Roots of the Problem
Because the Federal Reserve System will destroy the economy; and the para-military police state will clamp down on society in the aftermath of financial collapse; and then those who have wealth that can be stolen by political looters will have it stolen. Perhaps not as soon as tomorrow. But too soon for comfort.........
by Dr. Edwin Vieira, Ph.D., JDe

Government Seeking Control of Americans' Pets
Another West Hollywood ordinance officially terms pets as "companion animals" and gives their "guardians" a local tax deduction for pet adoption fees. Critics accuse these lawmakers of not only attempting to control the relationships enjoyed by pets and their owners, but also of attempting to change the language used to describe such relationships. "What are they going to do? Criminalize acts between pets and loving pet owners?" asks a former NYPD police officer........
by NWV News

Tea Party Movement Untamed
There is one seduction I strongly advise against, a third party. It would ensure liberals winning elections. However, if the republicans select a liberal turkey to run, we tea party patriots must select a conservative eagle to run against both party's liberals. Now, that's the power of we the people. So, go forth my fellow patriots. Keep collectively and individually doing whatever your passions and skills lead you to do to Take Back.....
by Lloyd Marcus

Doublespeak: The Language of Deception, Part 2
There is an abundance of doublespeak in the abortion debate. Note how instead of saying “women have a right to an abortion” the abortion lobby has coined this phrase: “Women have a right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.” So instead of aborting a pre-born baby (pro-aborts use the dehumanizing term fetus) a woman is simply “terminating a pregnancy.” Call me dense, but here’s what I fail to understand. How is it that just being in the womb, unwanted, makes a child’s life of no value?.....
by Marsha West