The Mind-Changing Myths of Avatar
According to Al Gore, Native American religions "offer a rich tapestry of ideas about our relationship to the earth." He quotes Chief Seattle, who supposedly asked this question: "Will you teach your children what we have taught our children? That the earth is our mother? . . . This we know: the earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all."........
by Berit Kjos
The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan: Part 9
At the end of Part 8, I mentioned how the Gehlen Organization (GO) and Die Spinne helped Nazi SS officers, including Dr. Josef Mengele, escape to Latin America after World War II. Therefore, at this point, it would be instructive to examine exactly how the network worked in facilitating someone like Mengele to escape. In Mengele (1986) by Gerald Posner and John Ware, they noted that Mengele was actually in.......
by Dennis Cuddy
Abraham Lincoln: Poet and Lover of Poetry
Although Lincoln appears to have spent much of his life preoccupied with death and convinced that it not only humbled man but erased him, he appears among the few who have achieved an imortality recognizable to mortals. His life is in this respect ironic. The contributions of the man to preservation of the union, to the destruction of the institution of slavery, and to rhetoric have made him live beyond death in so many ways......
by Attorney Jonathan Emord
Jackpot Anchor Babies: Runaway Fraud on American Citizens
>From my own personal observation, I submit that Kennedy created the beginning of the end of the United States of America. He flooded this country with cultures of poverty, incompatible religions, linguistic chaos and an ecological destruction driven by an added 100 million people in 40 years. If his 1965 bill continues, expect another 70 million third world immigrants and their children within 25 years.........
by Frosty Wooldridge