Saturday, 27 February 2010
February 27, 2010
Does Chris Dudley Candidate for Oregon Governor Have a Clue What's Ailing America?
When asked what he would do to reduce the exploding cost of the Oregon Public Employee Retirement System (PERS.), he said he recognized, “that is a major problem.” He then went on to explain that he had been a union member for 18 years and had served on high level contract negotiations teams and that he believed, “It will take tough negotiations for a win for the people.”........
Destroying America from Inside the Classroom
I have reported many times in the pages of the DeWeese Report about how public school classrooms are being used, not for the teaching of academic knowledge, but for behavior modification to change the student’s attitudes, values and beliefs. Barack Obama is now driving to control classroom curriculum based on United Nation’s Globalism. Many parents want to deny this is happening. “Not in my child’s school,” they tell me. If you.....
FBI and Media Corruption in Anthrax Case
Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ) and Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) deserve enormous credit and thanks for leading the congressional effort to hold the FBI accountable over its bungling of the investigation into the post-9/11 anthrax attacks that killed five Americans. The FBI has officially “closed” the case and conveniently blames a dead man, who committed suicide under FBI pressure, for the anthrax murders.........
Bring America Back To Her Religious Roots, Part 3
The history of American that has been taught to the last 2-3 generations is more lie than truth. The history that they are teaching did NOT occur, for the most part, and the real history is not allowed to be told. I want to establish with you the true beliefs of our Founding Fathers and not my opinion or someone else’s opinion, but their own words concerning what they believed......
Marriage vs. the Healthfare State
Conservatives who truly care about women must challenge proposed liberal policies that lure women out of marriage, leaving them trapped in an endless cycle of poverty and urban decay, waiting for change that will only occur under Marriage Values policy. Republicans must seize the upper hand opposing National Healthfare with a strong pro-woman, pro-marriage stance.........
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Britannia Radio