Sunday, 28 February 2010
February 28, 2010
The House The Progressives Built
Maybe Patrick Buchanan in his 2004 book Where the Right Went Wrong can tell us why Gingrich was silent about the GOP reform on his watch. Buchanan writes about the Republican Revolution of 1994, when, in 1995, Newt Gingrich backed down in his showdown with Clinton. Clinton, at the nadir of his presidency, refused to accept Gingrich-Dole cuts in the growth of Medicare, which they had embedded in a budget resolution and sent to the White House.........
by Betty Freauf
How I Almost Missed Going to Medical School
If the third—year medical students that interviewed me had their way, I would never have set foot into medical school. I would probably never have trained in naturopathy, acupuncture, homeopathy, herbalism, nutrition, and Chinese medicine, all of which were invaluable tools in my medical practice, and continue to be priceless in my consulting and writing. I would never have developed an understanding of........
by Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD. ND
Castle Defense: Individual Plan of Action Blueprint
Events are cascading so fast that preparation time is being compressed like the debris field on 9-11 at the World Trade Center disaster. Even among former skeptics, the apprehension is building rapidly that a banking catastrophe, terrorist event, or Middle East nuclear outbreak is unfolding on cue for the elite manipulators to complete their diabolical and deadly plan........
by Former Kansas State Trooper Greg Evensen, Ret.
Blacks, Youths and We The People At CPAC
A number of CPAC attendees expressed concern that the Tea Party Movement might be hijacked by a political party. I do not believe this is possible. We The People are too savvy for that to happen. We will dance with any politician who embraces our agenda of fiscal responsibility, smaller government and national security. Be warned, we will hold their feet to the fire. Yes, we may be deceived by an occasional liberal in conservative clothing. Such characterless politicians will suffer the consequences of their.........
by Lloyd Marcus
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Britannia Radio