The New Legend of Lone Ranger and Tonto The Lone Ranger and Tonto go camping in the desert. They set up their tent and fall sound asleep.From Meccania to Atlantis - Part 13 (3): Harpo, Gekko, Barko, Sarko
There was a time when this staple American joke could express the difference between a liberal and a conservative:
Catch 22 in the EU
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
From the desk of Takuan Seiyo on Wed, 2010-02-17 06:07
» 341 reads
From the desk of Paul Belien on Wed, 2010-02-17 12:13
With the euro in crisis, the British are currently counting their blessings while the Germans are trying to cut their losses. The near bankruptcy of Greece is dragging the euro down, but bailing out the Greeks is probably illegal under the EU Treaties, while ejecting Greece from the eurozone is illegal as well.
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Britannia Radio