A Future Fair For All. 20.2.2010.xxxx ap. Oh how I love a Fairground, A new ride for one and all, Continually going round in circles Perhaps some one is heading for a fall? We’re all used to those blessed “Dodgems”, They needn’t wait for me! Though there’s a bumpy ride for some one, I wonder just who it will be? We don’t have to travel to a fairground To get taken in once more for a ride, For twelve long years we have been driven, And it has dented our British pride. We’re used to “Swings” and “Roundabouts”, But into the new “future” we must now look, Will we still take it in our stride? For we know well the ‘oldest trick in the book’. The Big Wheel looked most inviting, Yet there’s no beginning and no end, To stay with the same ride forever Would simply drive me round the bend. Oooop’s Sorry, I’ve made a great mistake, It is not that kind of “FAIR” you see, I should have known with Labour That nothing turns out, as was meant to be. Oh Dear! I have messed up Labour’s Slogan, “A Future, ‘fair’ for all”, There is time to invent a new one, And with that one I’ll have a Ball!
Saturday, 20 February 2010
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Britannia Radio