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"A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government." ~ Edward Abbey |
Greenies Want to Collectivize America in the Name of Protection |
![]() By Alan Caruba ChronWatch-America.com All across America, various environmental organizations have been engaged in schemes to deter development such as housing, new energy plants, or the horror of a manufacturing facility that might actually employ people. In some states, the attack has been on farms and ranches, finding ways to punish their owners for improving their land in any fashion such as digging a drainage ditch. |
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Osama-ObamaNation |
Welcome to the Osama-Obama opening chapter along the March to Marxism. |
At GrassTopsUSA you call the shots. If you have a suggestion for a Blast Fax campaign or a news story for inclusion in a future Daily Action Alert, tell us about it by sending an e-mail to Christopher@grasstopsusa.org |
Homosexuality OK if One Belongs to the Club: Gay Bishop Pretzels Out Convoluted Excuses |
In a section of his New Testament letter to the Romans (1:22-27) dealing with God’s admonitions against same-sex relations, St. Paul was actually writing about heterosexuals who engage in same-sex acts and not homosexuals, said the Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson, the first openly gay bishop in the Episcopal church. |
We believe that a real grassroots organization should be accountable to the people, not large dollar donors and special interests that already wield too much power. Our mission is to empower Americans like you who have been shut out of the political process for far too long. That's why we will not in any way accept funding from large dollar donors or special interests, nor will we extend to you Blast Faxes that are already bought and paid for by a special interest in order to enlist you to push someone else's agenda. That's our pledge and our promise to you. If this e-mail was forwarded to you and you would like to be part of a real grassroots revolution, we invite you to start receiving this GrassTopsUSA Action Alert by using this link. |
Marxist Agenda Falls Apart, The Left Cannot Hold, Anarchy Loosed? |
![]() NewsMax.com/AP Washington confronted a new world order Thursday as the Democrats' supermajority died, taking with it much of President Barack Obama's agenda and any certainty of his party maintaining control of Congress. |
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