The British have sent many loud-mouthed yobs to Europe over the years - rampaging football hooligans, drunken stag party revellers - but Nigel Farage, leader of the UKIP MEPs, takes the crown after his performance yesterday. Already known in Brussels for his brash and abrasive style, Farage launched a scathing personal attack on the new President of the EU Council, Herman van Rompuy, in the European Parliament, one which left MEPs reeling in shock at its sheer nastiness. "Who are you? I'd never heard of you, nobody in Europe had ever heard of you," Farage proclaimed. He said van Rompuy had the "charisma of a damp rag" and compared him to a "low-grade bank clerk". For good measure he also insulted the EU President's homeland, saying Belgium was "pretty much a non-country". Farage's attack (see video above) on the modest and mild-mannered van Rompuy and his equally inoffensive country will only confirm what many in Europe think about the British: that we are a country of arrogant, bullying xenophobes. Farage, a former commodity broker, represents the worst kind of Brit abroad, a blazered, braying, over-confident public schoolboy, convinced of his own - and his country's - superiority over others. There is undoubtedly a strong 'Eurosceptic' case to be made against the undemocratic EU and its institutions, but it does not involve making vicious personal attacks on the President of the EU Council, or making derogatory remarks about the country he comes from. Farage's attacks on van Rompuy as well as being offensive are also contradictory. Last year, when the Belgian's appointment, and that of the Baroness Ashton as the EU's High Representative was Filed under: Nigel Farage, Herman Van Rompuy, EU(THE MOST TRUTHFUL MORE LIKELY!!!)
Hypocrite Nigel Farage rudest man in Europe
Neil Clark: Brussels will be glad to see the back of Nigel Farage if he can beat Bercow in the general election
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Nigel Farage's attack confirms what most Europeans think: that the British are xenophobes
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Britannia Radio