I'm Sorry, I Haven't a Cleudo
>> FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2010
The BBC is not alone in its certainty over who killed the honourable Hamas Commander. While it is still by no means a foregone conclusion, other MSM have also known from the outset, and have had no problem telling the world, that Israel is the guilty party.
As it stands there are many unanswered questions, inconsistencies, andsuspects with a motive.
Even if it turns out the culprit was actually an elderly BBC presenter, with a pillow, in the conservatory, the BBC will still believe it was Mossad, and continue to insinuate such by innuendo and snide remarks from people like Jeremy Hardy “It’s a matter of give and take; or in Israel’s case, take.” Ba boom The News Quiz.
‘Must be time for another reminder of how awful Israel is’, thought the producers of Today, (scroll to 0:43:44) so they got someone to go to Nablus to find out what has happened to the generous gift of olive trees a charity has sent along. But alas and alack, the land had been stolen by a nearby settlement, illegal under international law, and the poor farmer was very sad. The Olive Tree is a symbol of Arab nobility, and Settlements embody Israeli oppression, so this was a gift in more than one sense.
Anyway all that is by the by. Back to the assassination. There has been a spate of assassinations, or as some people like to call them, mercy killings, recently. ASaudi Prince has done one in a hotel, apparently. Some have our approval, some not.
The press and blogosphere are going mad. All hell has been unleashed in the rush to condemn Israel and implicate Jews in a worldwide conspiracy in which they're all traitors and would-be assassins on standby. I myself always carry a pillow with me just in case.
Cracking morning on the BBC Today for the visceral bias so many of us detest. It's been pushing the letter(s) from "leading economists" supporting Labour's inept financial management of the economy. The Keynesian delusionalism which drives Labour policy was nicely personified in the fawning interview with Lord Skidelsky, the man who has authored several books on "The Master" Keynes. Naturally there were no challenges for Skidelsky on his ludicrous endorsement of "Spend, Spend, Spend." Then, moving swiftly along, poor old Conservative Theresas Villiers got a bit of a mauling over Conservative refusal to endorse Labour transport policy. On the up side, the BBC got her to repeat Conservative opposition to runway three at Heathrow (One in the bag for leftworld!). The closer we get to the election the more desperate the BBC becomes. Any old nonsense is trotted out to help Save Gordon whilst the Conservatives get eviscerated.