Radicals with hands on the levers of power: the infiltration of Labour 28 Feb 2010 Dog owners will be forced to take tests to prove that they can handle their pets under new Government plans designed to curb dangerous dogs. 28 Feb 2010 With its terrazzo tiles, glass lift and atrium, Tower Hamlets town hall feels like the efficient modern home of an authority proudly proclaiming itself a “four-star council”. 28 Feb 2010 On Whitechapel Road in the heart of the East End stands the East London Mosque. 28 Feb 2010 Paul Buckland is one of many academics under pressure to raise the marks of undeserving students. Will his legal victory halt the destruction of standards? 28 Feb 2010 Undeterred by Labour's character assassination of Christine Pratt, the founder of the National Bullying Hotline, Clare Latimer, the Downing Street caterer, has stepped forward to claim that she, too, has received first-hand information about the reign of terror in No 10. 27 Feb 2010 Minister says party infiltrated by fundamentalists that want to create an “Islamic social and political order” in Britain. 27 Feb 2010The infiltration of Labour
Dog owners will need to pass a theory test on their pets
Radicals with hands on the levers of power: the takeover of Tower Hamlets
Inextricably linked to controversial mosque: the secret world of IFE
Standing up against dumbing down
Gordon Brown's 'desperate' official pleads for help in escaping the 'appalling' No 10
Islamic radicals 'infiltrate' the Labour Party
Sunday, 28 February 2010
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Britannia Radio