Thursday 4 February 2010

IPCC Boss Unhinged As Greenpeace Demands Resignation
With the pressure on IPCC boss Rajendra Pachauri increasing as the head of Greenpeace calls for his resignation, one of the most notorious green con artists is showing signs of cracking up, comparing his critics to an imaginary group of people who like to rub asbestos on their faces.

• Climategate spreads like an ozone hole
• US Treasury Official Openly Serves on Council of Rothschild-founded “Earth Bank” 
Michael Mann as innocent as OJ – possibly more so – finds internal Penn State investigation
• Carbon trade phish scam disrupts exchanges

The True State of the Union: We Have No Rights Whatsoever
It has been almost a week since President Obama gave his first State of the Union address, and it has been analyzed from the left, right, center, front, and back. Of course, the speech is really about the performance of the federal government, particularly its wonderful accomplishments under the leadership of the sitting president.

Taking the ‘Neo’ Out of ‘Conservative’

After Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity are the two most popular rightwing talk hosts in America, defining for millions the definition of the term “conservative.” 

Obama Submits Largest Budget in History, But Portrayed as Fiscal Conservative by Networks
President Obama just submitted a $3.8 trillion budget proposal, the largest federal budget ever, which will come with a “record amount of red ink.” The projected deficit of that budget would be $1.6 trillion, yet the networks didn’t criticize him for being spendy.

• Gold Proves Sticky As Dollar Surges; Correlation Observations Between Gold And DXY, Silver And Oil 
The Bankruptcy of the United States is Now Certain

No Help in Sight, More Homeowners Walk Away
In 2006, Benjamin Koellmann bought a condominium in Miami Beach. By his calculation, it will be about the year 2025 before he can sell his modest home for what he paid. Or maybe 2040.

• U.S. May Lose 824,000 Jobs as Employment Data Revised: Analysis