Monday 8 February 2010


As I continue to research the Muslim world's role in the Holocaust and their leadership's partnership with Hitler (Rasem Khallidi, The Mufti of Jerusalem, his Turkestan, Caucasian, Azerbijan, Bosnian quislings, Rashid Ali Kailani), the documents are more damning than imagined. The partnership of the Muslim world with Hitler and the Axis is shocking. Expect the Islamic world to ratchet up their holocaust denial and take the line that "Hitler was just defending himself from the evvvvvvvil Joos." Let the Muslim spin begin.

The Muslim Mufti's Role in Extermination of the Jews 

Holocaust Mufti Demanded Slaughter of 400,000 Jews ....and got it

When, with the beginning of the war, [the Mufti al-Husseini's] position in Syria, a French mandate, became ‘insecure,’ he escaped to Iraq. There he worked hard and succeeded in bringing Iraq into the war against the Allies, the declaration of war having been made on May 2, 1941. At that time the Nazis’ entered Greece and Egypt.

When the revolt was crushed (mainly by the Jewish volunteers from Palestine), the ex-Mufti escaped to Iran and hid himself in the Japanese Embassy there. From Teheran he escaped to Italy, where his arrival was announced by the Fascist radio as a “great and happy event;” in November, 1941, he arrived in Berlin and was received by Hitler. In 1942 the ex-Mufti organized the Arab Legion that fought the American invasion in Africa

On Dec. 29, 1942 the ex-Mufti sent a telegram of congratulations to Emperor Hirohito, assuring the latter that the Arabs were “praying for the final victory of Japanese arms.”

By the end of 1943 the ex-Mufti had organized Bosnian “Black Legions” to fight the Allies. He also bears a heavy responsibility for the annihilation of European Jewry, according to Nazi testimony given at Nuremberg. He visited the gas chambers; he wrote to the Cabinet Ministers of Hungary and Romania asking them to send the Jews from their countries to the concentration camps in Poland.

Thus according to the Charter of the International Tribunal at Nuremberg, the ex-Mufti is a criminal on all these counts, for crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. (NY Post 1948)

Watch the video (hat tip Rut)

They are spinning. It was in "ideological clash" - sound familiar?

Hitler's German intelligence agency managed to expose the ideological clash between the ideology of the Jewish belief, and the ideology of the Nazi belief. Ideology, in this case, is tantamount to belief. 


Therefore, the German Jews began to conspire against Hitler's policies. The German security agencies informed Hitler of the domestic actions of the Jews, which were in opposition to his Nazi philosophy and theories. Things ended in a clash, which had several phases.

As the leading role the Islamic world played in the Holocaust comes out of the shadows and into the fore, and decent peoples recoil in repulsion, it is necessary for Islamic media, "scholars" and asshats-in-residence to rewrite history -- as Islam has done so exceedingly and singularly well all throughout history. What people has stolen every idea and invention in history and has had the audacity to call it their own? What other people have conquered nations, enslaved their people, co-opted their culture and their art and then called the art theirs?

Back in 1986, historian Robert Wistrich wrote in his book Hitler's Apocalyse:

Ever since 1933 the Third Reich had also aroused considerable enthusiasm among Arab [Muslim] leaders who were impressed by its nationalist fervor, its militarism and opposition to the Versailles post-war settlement. The German consulate in Beirut and the Baghdad Embassy received many admiring letters from Syrian and Iraqi citizens, expressing their approval of Hitler and support for the German Reich. The Ministry of Propaganda was told, for example, by one of its sources that throughout the Middle East, 'all of the inhabitants with the exception of the Jews are following events in the new Germany with great sympathy and enthusiasm." 

Click below for Islamic video and transcript:

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