02/20/2010 Hating the Truth about Hate A lot of time is spent in the first hour of today's program examining the effect hate speech has in masking the truth of many political issues and why this is a grave threat to freedom of speech. This is exemplified by the hate speech trial of Geert Wilders in the Netherlands for producing his widely-viewed video on the internet. Robert Spencer from www.jihadwatch.org is the first guest to track how well the trial is going and what hate speech laws mean. The government wants to require wireless companies to track the movements of your mobile telephones. Declan McCullagh from CNET (www.news.org) joins us for coverage of the furor that seems to be arising over this issue. Why is freedom of speech not widely understood? Because our youth have not been trained in the values that build freedom in the West. Steve Brezenski (www.stevebrezenski.com) is author of the book, "Little People, Little Patriots, Saving America One Child at a Time." His premise is that we need to teach our children what freedom is all about. "When the horse is dead, remember to dismount," is something John says all the time; but politicians haven't figured out the anthropogenic global warming issue is dead. From the UN to state governments, politicians are reworking laws to push more global warming legislation, calling it "climate change" now. Paul Chesser (www.spectator.org) from the Heartland Institute looks at the latest efforts to make energy more expensive. John's boralogue lists the challenges facing the Tea Party movement over the next 33 months as we plow through the crisis window. We also take a brief look at growing tensions in the Middle East. |
Saturday, 20 February 2010
John Loeffler Steel on Steel. Hating the Truth about Hate. Tracking You. Education and Freedom.
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Britannia Radio