This eye-opening volume was written in direct response to the growing and unyielding effort of numerous overzealous, fundamentalist Christian organizations which aggressively target Jews for conversion. This book, therefore, delves into the fundamental reasons why Judaism does not accept the Christian messiah. It meticulously illustrates that the core teachings and doctrines of the Church are incompatible with the cornerstone principles declared by the Prophets of Israel, and are opposed by the most cherished tenets contained in the Jewish Scriptures. Moreover, this exhaustive book illustrates how, over the course of many centuries, the Church systematically altered the Jewish Scriptures in its authorized translations of the Bible in order to persuade its adherents that Jesus is the promised Jewish messiah. To accomplish this task, Christian translators manipulated, misquoted, and mistranslated verses in the Hebrew Scriptures so that these texts appear to be speaking about Jesus. Over the past two millennia, Christians have been unaware of this systematic Bible-tampering because few parishioners can read the Hebrew Bible in its original language. Since time immemorial, earnest churchgoers utterly depended upon manmade Christian translations of the "Old Testament" in order to understand the "Word of God." As a result, Christians have wondered aloud why Jewish people, who are reared since childhood in the Holy Tongue, and are the bearers and protectors of the sacred Oracles of God, do not accept Jesus as their messiah. The central goal of this volume is to thoroughly answer this perplexing, age-old question. This volume also contains the extensive references cited in the Let's Get Biblical 24-Part CD Series.Editorial Reviews
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Friday, 12 February 2010
Rabbi Tovia Singer is widely regarded as one of the world's leading experts on Jewish evangelism, and his fascinating and inspiring book answers the age-old, nagging question, "Why Don't Jews Believe in Jesus?"
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Britannia Radio