Wednesday, 3 February 2010

The Manhattan Declaration Report 

Dear Watchman, 

I'd like to inform you that I have written an article about the Manhattan Declaration titled "The Manhattan Declaration: An Ecumenical, Dominionist/Reconstructionist Manifesto Drafted by a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations Who Serves UNESCO." 

The Manhattan Declaration is an Evangelical/Catholic ecumenical agreement that represents another milestone toward the final goal which is the creation of the one-world religion for the worship of Lucifer. The drafters of this "Christian" document include men who are members of the CFR and who serve the UN agenda.  Christians who support the agenda of those who drafted this document will be herded into the one-world religion. 

The Manhattan Declaration is also a dominionist document as it is all about retaking America and reforming US laws and rebuilding US culture. Are we as Christians called to follow this dominionist agenda? 

It may also come as a surprise to some that along with numerous Roman Catholic leaders, several Calvinists have also signed this document including Dr. Al Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. 

For the Lord Jesus Christ,