Monday, February 01, 2010
china confidential
Leslie Gelb on Obama's 'Dangerous China Game'
Council on Foreign Relations president emeritus Leslie H. Gelb agrees with China Confidential in that he believes the United States and China may be on a collision course. Click here for his analysis, which begins as follows:Don’t be surprised if the United States and China start rattling each other’s cages again, and this time, perhaps seriously. The Obama administration triggered this latest round by announcing on Friday a $6.4 billion arms sale to Taiwan. For Chinese leaders, this is the worst affront, since they consider Taiwan part of China. They retaliated immediately, mainly by announcing sanctions against unspecified U.S. companies involved in the arms sale. Similar byplay has occurred many times before, but never at a time when American fortunes seemed on the decline and Chinese prospects so bright—and never before with Chinese leaders at once so self-confident, even arrogant, about their international power, yet still so insecure and paranoid about their internal control over political and ethnic dissidents.
Al Qaeda Offers Aid to Nigerians to Kill Christians
Reuters reports:An al Qaeda group in North Africa has offered to give Nigerian Muslims training and weapons to fight Christians in the West African country, where more than 460 people were killed in sectarian clashes last month.
Vice President Goodluck Jonathan sent in the military to halt the violence after four days of clashes between Christian and Muslim mobs armed with guns, knives and machetes in the area round the city of Jos in central Nigeria.
Continue here.Israeli Foreign News and Intelligence Website Says Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, Syria Plan Galilee Invasion
DEBKAFile reports:"When US NSA James Jones warned Iran may lash out at Israel via its surrogates Hizballah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza in response to increasing international pressure over its nuclear program, he spoke on the strength of a detailed war plan first published by DEBKA-Net-Weekly on Jan 22 and summarized here with attached map.
Hizballah would sweep across the border to capture Galilee towns backed by missile barrages and likely Syrian support."
Continue reading DEBKAfile's exclusive report here. It supports China Confidential warnings that Iran could be planning a first strike against Israel.
Countdown to Conflict
In fact, the countdown to the coming conflict has begun; and a shooting war could break out as early as this month, contrary to conventional thinking that wars in the Middle East must somehow be scheduled for spring or summer or autumn, like outdoor weddings.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's threat to deliver a "telling blow" to world powers on February 11 could refer to a sneak attack on Israel, whose existence he blames on the West--and has vowed to end.
In that regard, it is possible that the exposed war plan is just the tip of the Iranian iceberg heading toward Israel. Iran could intervene directly, landing troops in Lebanon. Intervention by Islamist-leaning Turkey is even possible. Israel's presumed arsenal of nuclear weapons capable of obliterating Iran is the only real deterrent against such once-inconceivable threats.
Recall that the inconceivable has happened before. In the summer of 1973, it was inconceivable to Israeli leaders (and their overseas friends) that Egypt and Syria would attack the Jewish State. But they did attack--in October, on the holiest day of the Jewish calendar--and they almost won what quickly came to be called the Yom Kippur War. If not for Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon (one of the greatest friends the Jewish people has ever had) ... and Israel's apparent readiness to launch nuclear missiles at its enemies ... meaning, Egypt and Syria and the Soviet Union, which had threatened to land troops in the Sinai Peninsula ... and an incredibly brave and brilliant Israeli general, Arik Sharon, who led a spectacularly successful counterattack against Egyptian forces in the Sinai ... the miraculously reborn Jewish State would have been wiped off the map.
The bottom line: blinding self-confidence and catastrophes often go hand in hand. It is time to think the unthinkable.Columnist Analyzes Obama's 'Mental Disorders'
The Bulletin's conservative columnist, Herb Denenberg, believes that U.S. President Barack Obama's "policies are so bizarre and so contrary to common sense and common knowledge, that it is hard to explain them in rational terms."
The mysterious Mr. Obama actually suffers from "seven mental disorders," Denenberg asserts, including "Liberalism," Anti-Americanism," and "Anti-Semitism."
Click here to read Denenberg's blistering essay, an excerpt from which appears below.If that’s not enough, consider the Mayo Clinic’s definition of narcissistic personality disorder: “Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration. They believe that they’re superior to others and have little regard for other people’s feelings. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem, vulnerable to the slightest criticism.”
Consider some of his comments. Barack Obama said, “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” He said that this is the moment the sea stopped rising and the planet started healing. That kind of self-admiring grandiosity suggests Narcissus in full view. He always makes himself central to any speech he gives. Karl Rove counted 96 times that Obama used the word “I” in his state of the union speech, and in another recent speech counter even more frequent use of “I.” Remember his Ohio speech. He said, “this isn’t about me. It’s about you.” But it was all about him. He gave us insight into his emotions and about everything else we didn’t need to know. He is also hungry for admiration and adulation, and right after being smacked down by the Massachusetts senate election returns, he went back into his campaign mode, so he could hear the cheering crowds in Ohio. He is also unduly sensitive to criticism, and usually dismisses it as the “old politics.”Ahmadinejad Threatens World With 'Telling Blow'
Islamist Iran is closer than ever to becoming a nuclear weapons state.
UPI reports:Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said celebrations of the Islamic Revolution will include nuclear development news and a "telling blow" to world powers.
Iran will mark the 31st anniversary of the revolution Feb. 11 with large public demonstrations. Ahmadinejad said the government will use the occasion to give an update of Tehran's nuclear program.
"Iran will deliver a telling blow to global powers on Feb. 11," Ahmadinejad said Sunday at a Cabinet meeting.
Continue reading here.Hitler-Mufti Friendship Revealed in Photos and Film
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Pamela Geller is in relentless pursuit of an important story--investigative history, illustrated by photos and film clips, that is both shocking and timely. Click here, and below for sample archival footage.
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Britannia Radio