Monday, February 08, 2010
Iran Advancing Toward Armageddon, as Appeasement Fails to Stop Islamo Regime
The Obama administration's appeasement policy has backfired.
Islamonazi Iran, a nation the administration had hoped to "engage" (appease and align with in a Grand Bargain) is marching toward nuclear power--and nuclear war.
Read all about it here.
And click here for another telling report on Iranian intentions, which are clearly warlike. As if to underscore this point, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Sunday the destruction of Israel was "imminent." China Confidential analysts believe Iran is preparing a sneak attack on the Jewish State, using Iran's Islamonazi terrorist proxies Hezbollah and Hamas, and, also, possibly, Iran's secular but steadily Islamizing ally, Syria. Coordinated terrorist attacks on overseas U.S. targets--and the U.S. homeland--are also likely. [Israeli leaders are vigilant, and will take any and all necessary measures--using any and all necessary weapons--to prevent a second Holocaust. They understand that "international law is not a suicide pact," as a leading authority on anticipatory self-defense has so eloquently explained--here--in the Jewish Press.]
War with Iran is coming; and the Obama administration deserves much, if not most, of the blame. The administration misread Iranian intentions, just as Britain and France misread Nazi Germany's intentions in the years leading up to World War II; and, just as appeasement of Hitler made war with Germany inevitable, appeasement of Ahmadinejad and the atomic ayataollahs is making war with Islamonazi Iran inevitable.
When the conflict starts, will Obama have the decency to resign?
Probably not. This reporter believes the pro-appeasement U.S. President still intends to punish ... Israel ... if it preemptively strikes Iran's nuclear and missile installations. He has made outreach (code for apologizing and submitting) to "the Islamist world"--a supposed supranational entity on a par with the U.S. and other superpowers--the foundation of a fatally flawed foreign policy. Click here for the April 2009 China Confidential analysis.
Allowing Islamonazi Iran an additional year to acquire atomic arms, treating alien, Islamonazi terrorists and war criminals like common criminals--entitled to civilian court trials, public defenders, and plea bargains--and tacitly endorsing Islamonazi core concepts, such as the notion that sharia unites the world's Muslims to a degree that transcends all other legal systems and national boundaries, and customs (e.g. burqa wearing) are all part of the same, perfidious and potentially catastrophic policy. There are fundamentally no differences between Obama's approaches to Iran, terrorism, and "the Muslim world." To pretend that these are separate issues, neatly compartmentalized, is to play into the administration's hands.
Monday, 8 February 2010
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Britannia Radio