Monday, February 15, 2010
china confidential

Strategists at Societe Generale, one of Europe's oldest and largest banks, are predicting the total collapse of the Euro, the official currency of the European Union.
Click here for the shocking story.
China Confidential analysts believe gold will rise in price as investors seek safe havens in the coming chaos. Although the dollar could increase in value against European currencies in the coming weeks, which, historically, would translate into declining gold prices, the global economic uncertainty is also likely to make gold more attractive.
Internationally, the fear of a double-dip recession--and a global depression--is palpable.
Add a war with Iran to the mix--appeasement has made war inevitable--and gold could easily climb to $2,000 an ounce or higher before the end of this year.
In the meantime, Marc Faber says gold will never collapse. The Swiss fund manager andGloom Boom & Doom editor
said the governments of every developed economy will eventually default on their sovereign debts, so the one thing he will never do in his life is 'sell my gold.'
Potential defaulter include the US, the UK and Western Europe.
Continue here.
Clinton: Iran Becoming Military Dictatorship

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, speaking in Qatar, said Monday that the United States believes the "government in Iran, the supreme leader, the president, the Parliament, is being supplanted [by the Revolutionary Guards Corps] and that Iran is moving towards a military dictatorship.” Click here for the story.
On June 17, 2009 China Confidential warned:
The mullahocracy has morphed into a military dictatorship. Ahmadinejad and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps are in charge.
That the maniac-in-chief and the men with the guns are also Islamist zealots--Shiite fanatics with apocalyptic visions and fantasies--should cause Americans to question their government's decision to engage (appease) the nuclear-arming regime. Iran's foreign policy is imperialist; like Nazi Germany before the Second World War, Iran intends to overthrow the status quo, regionally and globally. A regime like that can't be appeased.
In related news, the U.S. has given Israel a red light on a military strike against Iran's nuclear sites, according to a report--read it here--in the Jerusalem Post.
So many questions as the countdown to conflict continues:
Washington's red light--is it steady or flashing?
Will the light change? WIll Israel be blocked at the crucial intersection?
Will Israel be punished if it runs the red light?
WIll Clinton resign if Iran becomes a nuclear-armed state?
Time will tell.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
On Obama and His Virtual World

An abstract of a brilliant address by Charles Krauthammer:
In the real world, as opposed to what French President Nicolas Sarkozy calls President Barack Obama's "virtual world," America faces the reality of Iran's intransigence and aggressiveness; China's headlong pursuit of its own national, regional, and global interests; Russia's determination to regain its Near Abroad; the Arab states' refusal to accept any kind of a reasonable settlement of the kind that Israel has already offered under several governments; Syria's designs on Lebanon; and Hugo Chávez's designs on the weaker countries in Latin America. President Obama's foreign policy agenda of gradual American retreat will have inexorable consequences: When erstwhile allies see the American umbrella being withdrawn, they will have to accommodate themselves to those from whom we were protecting them. If Obama proves impervious to empirical evidence and experience, all these accommodations, the weakening of alliances, the strengthening of centers of adversarial power in Moscow, Beijing, Tehran, Caracas, and elsewhere will continue until we are awakened by some cataclysm.
Read the whole thing here.