Thursday, 25 February 2010
RM-18 | Most Americans have no clue about the NAU (North American Union) and it is our job to WAKE THEM UP before we're all using the Amero to pay for cheap garbage shipped to the Mexican shores from China then transported up the NAFTA Super Highway!
Today we launch our assault on the North American Union in a nationwide awareness campaign. Join us!
Choose your weapon:
Make your selection and watch the short Action Alert Video here:
Pass them out at pizza parlors, doctors offices, beauty salons, auto body shops, and barber shops in your town... every magazine left has a statistical reach of over 8 people!
Have fun with it, get your friends or your local group and join us!
Make a video of your participation in Operation Sovereign Guardian then upload it YouTube... we may just broadcast it on the Reality Report!
Spread the word, don't wait for the next guy!
Yours in Truth,
Gary Franchi
PS. For further instructions, check out the short video at:
Posted by
Britannia Radio