Open Europe
Invites you to a panel debate:
Is the EU a threat to civil liberties?
Tuesday 23 February 2010
5pm - 6.30pm
First Euroflat Hotel
Boulevard Charlemagne, 50 - 1000 Brussels
Jonathan Faull
Director-General, European Commission, DG Justice, Freedom and Security
Tony Bunyan
Cornelia Ernst
MEP for Germany and member of the EP's Civil Liberties Committee (GUE/NGL Group)
The discussion will be moderated by:
Mats Persson
Director, Open Europe
The recent adoption of the Lisbon Treaty and a new far-reaching five-year programme regarding the area of Freedom, Security and Justice (the so-called "Stockholm Programme") pose serious questions about the democratic safeguards that exist for civil liberties within the EU. Is the right balance being struck between protecting citizens' freedoms and the EU's quest for greater security?
Click here for Open Europe's research looking at the impact of the Lisbon Treaty on the EU's increasing role in Freedom, Security and Justice: