1. ISIS Report - Swine Flu A Faked Pandemic, Gross Conflict Of Interest
The truth is out. More than half of the experts advising the World Health Organisation (WHO) to declare swine flu a ‘pandemic’ are linked to drug-makers that have reaped huge profits from untested vaccines and flu drugs. Eleven of the 20 members of the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) have profited from work done for the pharmaceutical industry or are linked to it through their universities. Many have declared interests in GlaxoSmithKline, the vaccine maker that stands to benefit the most from the pandemic. This SAGE group redefined ‘pandemic’ in an important way in order to mandate the mass purchase of vaccines and drugs by governments.
Dr Mae-Wan Ho, Institute of Science in Society Report
Related Links:
* UK Government Squandered More Than £1 Billion On Swine Flu Con
The Press Association / The One Click Group
* WHO Investigated For Pharma Corruption
Imogen Foulkes, Deutsche Welle / The One Click Group
* Tax And Spend For The Corrupt World Health Organisation
George Russell, Fox News
2. Shameful Medical Silence - Two Canadians Paralysed By Swine Flu Vaccine
Donna Hartlen, a young mother who is now
partially paralyzed, has been diagnosed with
Guillain-Barre syndrome
Downstairs in the rehab wing of Markham Stouffville hospital, in a private room with a sunny window, lies Donna Hartlen, a young mother who is now partially paralyzed. The doctors diagnosed her with Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS). And while no one seems willing to discuss the likely cause, the 39-year-old knows exactly where the fault lies - the Swine Flu vaccine. Don Gibson has GBS as well, with legs so numb now that he is confined to a wheelchair. It turns out that not only was he also vaccinated against H1N1, but he got the shot just two days before Hartlen, in the very same Markham doctors’ office. “Not a single doctor we’ve talked with will even remotely discuss that it’s the H1N1 shot,” marvels Hartlen. “They almost pretend they don’t hear you. They don’t want to alarm the public and they don’t want you to stir up trouble.”
Michele Mandel, Toronto Sun
Related Links:
* GlaxoSmithKline - No Explanation For Canada Killer H1N1 Vaccine
Helen Branswell, Medical Reporter, Canadian Press
I came across a story on your website featuring Donna Hartlen, who recently became paralyzed with Guillain-Barre syndrome after receiving the H1N1 vaccine.
I have good news for her, there is hope to reverse GBS!
Please forward this e-mail to her as I do not have her contact details!
Firstly, here are some videos about Desiree Jennings, a Washington Redskins Cheerleader, who got disabled last year from a regular flu vaccine (similarly to GBS), but was subsequently cured by Dr. Buttar through the removal of heavy toxic metals from her body.
Damaged by vaccine:
Cured by Dr. Buttar:
Update by Desiree after being cured:
Dr. Buttar's website:
Here is some more health information (copied off my YouTube channel) that will hopefully be useful information for Donna.
Healing or (partial) reversal of neurological disorders is possible through a process known as biomedical intervention!
Chelation can safely remove toxic metals such as mercury and aluminium. Chelation, combined with a plant-based diet and homeopathic remedies has improved the lives of many people.
Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy uses high pressure oxygen to heal brain disorders and other diseases.
Goji berries are the most nutritious food source in the world with the highest level of antioxidants.
Chlorella removes toxins and improves your health. =CIU63LaaV_o
Zeolite is a natural mineral that removes heavy metals and other toxins from the body.
Many thanks for your consideration!
3. Agony Of UK Doctor's Receptionist Paralysed By Swine Flu Vaccine
Jab: Alison Dygnas led an active life before
the vaccine, but now struggles to walk
A receptionist at a GP’s surgery has been left unable to walk properly after having the swine flu jab. Doctors believe the jab triggered a condition affecting the nervous system known as myasthenia gravis (aka Guillain-Barre syndrome). Alison Dygnas, who as an NHS worker was advised to have the vaccination, also experienced the paralysis in her face, had slurred speech and found eating difficult. The leg paralysis can be reduced by very strong tablets that can be taken up to 20 times a day. The medication causes nausea and vomiting. Mrs Dygnas, who owns a horse and used to walk her two dogs every day, has been forced to give up her job and spends most of her time at home.
Sophie Borland, Daily Mail
Related Links:
* Hong Kong Cardiologist - Don't Get Swine Flu Vaccinated
Mary Ann Benitez and Patsy Moy, Hong Kong Standard
* USA Boy Struck Down By Potentially Fatal Nerve Disease After Swine Flu Vaccine
JoNel Aleccia,
4. Canada National ME/FM Network Hosting 10th International Conference
We are pleased to advise you that it is now official. The National ME/FM Action Network is hosting the 10th International IACFS/ME Research & Clinical Conference Translating Evidence into Practice: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and Related Illnesses. Date: September 22-25, 2011. Location: Crowne Plaza Hotel, Ottawa, Canada. It is the first time that such a conference will be held in Canada. We need your help to raise $150,000 which is the cost of this conference. It is anticipated that this event will be accredited for continuing medical education.
Lydia E. Neilson, Chief Executive Officer, National ME/FM Action Network
Monday, 1 February 2010
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Britannia Radio