EDITORIAL: Nuclear Iran
American dawdling allowed the mullahs to get the bomb
Washington Times: US Allowed Iran to Get A-Bomb
"Iran has emerged as a nuclear state, and there is nothing the United States can do about it."
Saturday, 13 February 2010
So says The Washington Times, in a must-read editorial that concludes: "The United States should begin planning for the inevitable. Conflict is coming; it won't be managed away."
Read the whole thing here.
China Confidential has repeatedly warned that American appeasement and "dawdling," as the paper puts it in the editorial's subhead, will make war with Iran inevitable--on Tehran's terms--just as appeasement of Nazi Germany failed to prevent war and instead made it inevitable on Hitler's terms.
Successive U.S. administrations have allowed Iran to develop a formidable missile force that makes the Islamist nation's threat to "burn Tel Aviv"--and attack Israeli nuclear installations--quite credible. Non-Arab Iran has also been allowed to take over Lebanon, an Arab country, through Iran's Islamist, Lebanese, Shiite, Arab proxy, Hezbollah, which is bristling with missiles and rockets. Even before possession of atomic arms, the monstrous mullahocracy thus seems to have the capability of slaughtering thousands of Israelis--tens of thousands if Iran's secular but steadily Islamizing ally, Syria, which is loaded with missiles and chemical warheads, also attacks Israel--in a sneak attack or reprisal.
Given its presumed nuclear arsenal, Israel is widely believed to be capable of obliterating Iran. Knowing this, the mad mullahs may believe that they can create some sort of nuclear shield for the step-by-step destruction of Israel--meaning, waves of terrorist attacks against the Jewish State and overseas Jewish communities in parallel with a stepped-up policy of blackmailing and intimidating the U.S. and Europe aimed at forcing Israel to withdraw to indefensible borders and give in to the creation of an Islamist Palestinian state comprising the so-called West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza.
The turbaned tyranny could also be tempted to first strike the U.S.--by secretly handing off a nuclear weapon to Hezbollah for an anonymous attack on an American city--believing that the appeasement-prone Obama administration would dither and dawdle--indefinitely--instead of instantly counterattacking Iran. (An anonymous nuclear attack on Israel would trigger the immediate destruction of Iran. It would cease to exist as a nation.)
So much for speculation. Fact is, Iran's nuclearization is a major victory for the Islamist cause. Not since the fall of the Twin Towers and attack on the Pentagon on 9/11 ... and the fall of the Shah, a staunch American ally, in 1979 ... has fascistic political Islam seemed so strong.
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Britannia Radio