Monday, 1 February 2010 Banner
Season Premier The Solution to the Crisis in the Middle East 
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Season 1 Episode 1

   Caroline Glick vs. "Biased" Israeli Media
Caroline Glick on TNL
In this second episode of the Season Premier of "Tuesday Night Live in Jerusalem", Ari and Jeremy welcome world famous journalist Caroline Glick.

"We wanted her to provide a breath of fresh air from the pollution that inundates media about Israel", explains Ari. "Without employing the dogma and rhetoric which characterizes the disproportionately biased Israeli media, Caroline Glick has the unique ability to weave together world events to present an accurate and enlightening holistic understanding of Israel and the entire world with a very refreshing backdrop of Jewish pride, dignity and strength." 

The Season Premier is in honor of our dear friends, Robert Hoff, Larry Latham, Mike Isley, Vance Esler and their families. Thank you for selflessly standing by our side as loyal friends since the very beginning. Your love and encouragement has made all the difference in the world. 
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