A selection of recent media reports
SLIPPING DAVID CAMERON MUST TELL US WHAT HIS POLICIES ARE ONE OF the most intriguing and, for the Conservatives, the most worrying political questions of recent times must be what has gone wrong with David... Daily Express (07-Feb-2010)
UNI PAYS FOR BANNED CLERIC TO PREACH HATE BANNED Muslim hate preacher Anjem Choudary has sparked outrage after he was flown to Ireland to spout his bigoted views to 250 university... Daily Express (07-Feb-2010)
Muslim asks court to let in second wife A muslim is taking a landmark High Court case demanding that the Irish state recognise his polygamous marriage. The man is from Lebanon, where polygamy is... Times Online (07-Feb-2010)
Right about rights The issue that fires up readers of this column more than any other is immigration. Sunday Mirror readers are fair, tolerant and thoughtful. This issue is not about... Sunday Mirror (07-Feb-2010)
Immigration officials raid a plane packed with South American prostitutes IMMIGRATION officials raided a flight crammed with young South American women being trafficked as hookers, we can... News of the World (07-Feb-2010)
BONUS AS PUPILS FAIL UP to 25,000 foreign students and their families will be barred from Britain in a crackdown on an immigration... News of the World (07-Feb-2010)