A selection of recent media reports
Saturday, 27 February 2010
This is a party, out of government for these long years, that has once again planted its roots deep in the soil of Britain; a party that stands unambiguously for family and community, for facing problems together, for responsibility and backing those who do the right thing, for hard work and for saving, for..
Conservatives (27-Feb-2010)
Migrant numbers matter. They depress wages and determine where state funds go. This can only be addressed with...
Guardian Unlimited - Comment is Free (27-Feb-2010)
Migrants who owe money to the NHS could be refused entry to the...
The Press and Journal (27-Feb-2010)
Labour's hypocrisy over migrants How the party is trying to woo voters with tactics that would shame the BNP The carefully worded letters all send the same sympathetic messages to local 'white families' about the difficulties caused by the record rise in immigration.
Daily Express (27-Feb-2010)
THIS WEEK saw a mixed bag of stories getting MY Sun talking, with everything from celebrity divorces, killer whales and World Cup...
Online Sun (27-Feb-2010)
MORE than one in 10 foreign students in Britain last year was sponsored by a bogus college, research claimed...
Daily Express (27-Feb-2010)
KEY targets for processing asylum claims are unachievable , an official watchdog warned yesterday as Labour s shambolic handling of the immigration system came under fresh...
Daily Express (27-Feb-2010)
There was a palpable air of confidence at the Tory Party conference last autumn. Shadow cabinet ministers were pumped up with such high levels of optimism that they arrogantly thought the next General Election was already in the...
Daily Mail (27-Feb-2010)
The carefully worded letters all send the same sympathetic messages to local 'white families' about the difficulties caused by the record rise in...
The Mail On Sunday (26-Feb-2010)
The Latvian labourer could soon usurp the Polish plumber as the most recognisable symbol of east European migration, according
Financial Times (26-Feb-2010)
Passports were given to foreigners at the rate of two a minute last year. Officials approved a record 203,865 citizenship applications, 58 per cent more than in...
Daily Mail (26-Feb-2010)
The immigration system will miss a major target for dealing with asylum cases, an independent watchdog has warned. John Vine, the chief inspector of the UK Border Agency (UKBA), said the target of dealing with 90% of asylum cases within six months was "unachievable" with current...
Liverpool Daily Post (26-Feb-2010)
Visitors to the UK could be required to hold health insurance before they can enter the country, the government says. The move is an attempt to crack down on "health tourists" who come for treatment but fail to pay for...
BBC News (26-Feb-2010)
NHS tourists face being banned from Britain if they fail to pay health bills, ministers confirmed today. The new rules, revealed this week by the Standard, aim to stop foreigners flying here for free...
Evening Standard (26-Feb-2010)
THE number of immigrants granted British citizenship soared by half as much again to more than 200,000 last year, official figures revealed...
Daily Express (26-Feb-2010)
Todays immigrations figures, the last before the General Election, confirm that immigration remains a major problem for our society.
Balanced Migration (26-Feb-2010)
A report published today by the Independent Chief Inspector of the UK Border Agency has identified that, based on current staffing levels and the complexity and volume of asylum cases, the UK Border Agency's target of concluding 90 per cent of asylum cases within six months by December 2011 is...
M2 (26-Feb-2010)
Defeating the BNP needs more than a press strategy. It needs politicians to address their abandonment of the working...
Guardian.co.uk (26-Feb-2010)
Details of more than 600,000 immigrants who arrived in the UK between the late 18th and early 20th centuries were published online for the first time today, including a distant relative of Conservative leader David...
Evening Standard (26-Feb-2010)
A refugee charity has accused the Home Office of wasting an estimated £11 million last year by making flawed decisions on asylum claims that had to be overturned on...
Community Newswire (26-Feb-2010)
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