Saturday 27 February 2010

Senators to propose abandoning cap-and-trade
Three key senators are engaged in a radical behind-the-scenes overhaul of climate legislation, preparing to jettison the broad “cap-and-trade” approach that has defined the legislative debate for close to a decade

Nigel Farage Returns to Alex Jones TV: Mr. Farage Puts Van Rompuy in His Place!
Alex welcomes back to the show Nigel Farage, British politician, former leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party, and member of the European Parliament for the South East. Farage faces an official reprimand by the European Parliament for criticizing its president Herman Van Rompuy on Wednesday.

IMF chief proposes new reserve currency
International Monetary Fund Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn said Friday a new reserve currency should be explored as an alternative to the U.S. dollar.

Joe Biden: ‘it’s easy being Vice President, you don’t have to do anything’
White House staff are said to become nervous whenever Vice President Joe Biden finds himself in front of a microphone. That nervousness will now increase.

Cybersecurity bill to give president new emergency powers
The president would have the power to safeguard essential federal and private Web resources under draft Senate cybersecurity legislation.