Sunday, February 07, 2010
On Obama, Holder and Today's Peace Democrats
Looking back to go forward....
The Copperheads were pro-slavery northern Democrats who opposed Republican President Abraham Lincoln's vigorous prosecution of America's Civil War. They were also known asPeace Democrats. Republicans compared them to poisonous snakes; hence, the copperhead label, which the Peace Democrats cleverly flipped to signify the head of a copper penny and the likeness of liberty.
The Copperheads of our time are Democrats who oppose the war to save humanity from being enslaved by a clerical fascist creed called radical Islam, or Islamism. Unlike the Peace Democrats of the Civil War, today's antiwar activists are actually in power. Ironically, they are led by the first African-American President of the United States, Barack Obama, who has made appeasement of radical Islam the foundation of his administration's failed foreign policy, and the first African-American U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, who has been a crucial player in the administration's attempts to downgrade the war on Islamist terrorism to the level of a mere law enforcement challenge. Click here to read an excellent editorial about Holder's handling of the Christmas Day passenger jet bomber--an alien, Islamist terrorist treated like a common criminal, a "suspect" entitled to a federal public defender, a plea bargain, and a civilian court trial.In related news, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says the Al Qaeda threat to the U.S. is even more serious than the threat posed by nuclear-arming Iran. Click here for the story.
In fact, Iran and Al Qaeda are for all practical purposes the same enemy. Their theological differences are immaterial as far as U.S. security is concerned. Both foes are implacable; they intend to destroy Israel, drive the United States from the Middle East, and dominate Europe--for starters. A world without America and Israel is the ultimate objective, as Iranian maniac-in-chief Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said. Just as Israel is a thorn in the Islamist side, preventing the dream of a pan-Islamist Middle East from becoming a reality, the U.S. stands in the way of Islamist world conquest.
With Peace Democrats in power, catastrophe looms.
POSTSCRIPT: Given the nature of the Islamist threat and the well documented history of Islamist-Nazi cooperation, the only thing that this reporter can imagine that would be more offensive than an African-American President appeasing Islamist tyranny and terrorism--a President who bowed deeply and submissively to the king of Saudi Arabia, a country with no human or civil rights, and allowed Iran a crucial additional year to develop nuclear weapons--would be a Jewish-American President appeasing Islamist tyranny and terrorism. There has never been a Jewish President of the U.S. But two of Obama's closest collaborators are Jewish--Senior Political Advisor David Axelrod and White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.Iran Says it Arrested Seven US Spies
Sunday, 7 February 2010
Islamonazi Iran says it has arrested seven spies--alleged agents of U.S. intelligence--who were trained in "sabotage." Click here for the story.
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Britannia Radio