rub the right’s nose in diversity and render their arguments out of date. Neather subsequently tried to deny that this is what he had said, claiming he had been misrepresented by ‘excitable right-wing newspaper columnists’ by presenting his views in such a way that they were ‘twisted out of all recognition...into being a ‘plot’ to make Britain multicultural. There was no plot.’ Well, now we know there was indeed precisely such a plot. Neather had originally written that drafts of a government policy... David Green makes an excellent point in the Telegraph, following the jailing of Metropolitan Police Commander Ali Dizaei for assaulting and falsely arresting an Iraqi businessman, that the indulgence shown so long to Dizaei despite ample concerns about him within the police arose from the terror of acting against ethnic minority officers for fear of being deemed ’racist’. This paralysis dates back to the profoundly ill-advised but well meaning Scarman recommendation in 1981 that the police should be more ‘representative’ of the community, which led to the recruitment and promotion of under-qualified officers on the basis of ethnicity rather than merit, thus undermining not just police efficiency but the notion of one law equally applied to all. This mistake was then catastrophically amplified by the pernicious Macpherson doctrine that the police were ‘institutionally racist’ and that racial hatred was...Thursday, 11th February 2010
Tyhe silence of the media's neatherworld
Last October, I wrote about how Andrew Neather, a former speechwriter for various Labour Cabinet ministers, had blurted out the fact that the Labour government had engaged on a covert act of national sabotage by loosening immigration controls in order to change the ethnic makeup of the country andHow Dizaei destroyed the thin blue line
Thursday, 11 February 2010
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Britannia Radio