Thursday, February 25, 2010
china confidential
Good News Coming (We Hope)
From Two Radically Different Fronts in the Long War
on Radical Islam
Why Islamist Iran Can't Be Appeased
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Good news all around.
1. Turkey's military is increasingly likely to halt the country's Islamizing trend. The men in uniform--traditional guardians of Turkey's secular system--are itching to move against Ankara's crypto-Islamist government, which is backing and collaborating with nuclear-arming Iran.
2. Europe's bravest politician--Geert Wilders of the Netherlands--is poised to become his country's next prime minister. His Party for Freedom is almost certain to win the most votes in the early election in June. Wilders is leading the Dutch resistance to fascistic political Islam
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made news last week when she declared that Iran, which is closer than ever to becoming a nuclear weapons state, is also well on the way to becoming a military dictatorship. She encouraged Iran’s religious leaders to rise up against Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), the Islamist nation’s ideologically driven, dominant military force, which she accused of supplanting the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khomenei, the parliament, and, even, the president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Mrs. Clinton’s rhetorical escalation serves a dual purpose. It helps the United States mobilize support for new sanctions on Iran while planting the seeds of an explanation, or excuse, for the Obama administration’s failure to positively influence Iran through a policy of engagement (code for appeasement). Implicit in her remarks, made at a televised gathering of university students in Qatar, a small Persian Gulf state that hosts important U.S. military facilities, is the suggestion that the IRGC is the main cause of Iranian belligerency and defiance and that the clerical establishment is somehow moderate by comparison.
That is a lot like saying Nazi Germany’s Gestapo and Stormtroopers were more moderate than the more elite SS troops — utter nonsense.
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Britannia Radio