ToryDiary: Cameron's broad Conservatism will restore our party as the natural party of government
ToryDiary: Tories will invite public sector workers to own primary schools, job centres and other state-funded services as co-operatives
Stephan Shakespeare on Platform: The eve of a golden age for innovators and taxpayers
Local government: The Conservative challenge in Barking and Dagenham
WATCH: BNP votes to allow black and Asian members
Yesterday's CentreRight: The BNP may have surrendered to the legal need to abandon its 'whites only' membership policy but BNP members were hostile to the change
Seats and candidates: Victoria Ayling gives a flavour of the energetic campaign she is fighting in Great Grimsby
Liberal Democrats set out 'shopping list' for a hung parliament - Yesterday evening's LeftWatch
Melanchthon on CentreRight: "These days in politics we must know about the Prime Minister's wife's contraceptives, whether David Cameron's teenage auto-eroticism involved Mrs Thatcher, how many women Nick Clegg can remember sleeping with, and whether Gordon Brown joined the mile high club..."
Seats and candidates: Sam Gyimah adopted for Surrey East
WATCH: George Osborne fights back at Sky's Tim Marshall
WATCH: Under pressure from Andrew Lansley, Labour's Health Secretary refuses to rule out £20,000 death tax to pay for elderly care
ToryDiary: Top economists back George Osborne's economic strategy
Parliament: Tory plan for equal sized seats will change [almost] every constituency boundary
Errant decimal point leads to Conservatives inflating pregnancy rates among the poor by a multiple of 10 - Guardian
Gove admits there has been 'grumbling and rumbling' about David Cameron's modernising - Telegraph
Goldie Hawn talks to Tories about setting up schools - BBC
Dominic Grieve will enlist private and voluntary sector to cut reoffending "In the most radical measure being considered, companies running after-prison welfare programmes would be “paid by results” for keeping an individual out of jail for fixed periods such as six months, a year or two years. About seven out of 10 people end up back in jail within two years of release, which the Tories say is a prime reason for prisons bursting at the seams. Companies argue they could cut the reoffending rate to between 50 and 60 per cent if they take over the rehabilitation of people leaving prison, through providing welfare services ranging from job-hunting and training courses to supp ort networks and drug programmes." - FT
Thank heavens we stayed out of the euro - Boris Johnson in The Telegraph
Amanda Sayers hit back against Joanne Cash"The Mail on Sunday carried a series of unsourced allegations against Mrs Sayers yesterday. It said that she had told Ms Cash, after she suffered a miscarriage last year, not to get pregnant again before the election. It was also claimed that she had “spread false rumours” about the candidate and tried to deselect her last month. Mrs Sayers said: “I utterly deny these allegations. I was totally supportive of her during her pregnancy and, when she had a miscarriage, Joanne received nothing but sympathy from me. She even thanked me for it. Mrs Sayers said in a pointed reference to Ms Cash’s job as a libel lawyer: “When it comes to defamatory remarks, I’m sure they are aware that legal action is one recourse available to me.”" - Times
Melanie Phillips blasts Labour for considering a death tax "Nothing is certain in life, it is said, except death and taxes. One might add that a death tax is nearly certain to create yet more injustice. First, it would penalise those whose relatives have lived all their lives in their own homes - or, worse still, those who had actually been looking after them. Second, it is particularly repellent to take money from people after they have died. It's bad enough now if folk have to sell their homes to pay for their care. But this new proposal would be the equivalent of grave-robbing. 'No taxation without representation,' goes the old cry: maybe that should now be updated to 'no taxation without respiration'." - Melanie Phillips in The Daily Mail
"The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) says that unemployment rates will increase sharply as the public sector feels the impact of cost-cutting. Dole queues will increase to 2.8 million in the second half of the year, a rise of up to 50,000 a month. The forecast, which dashes hopes that Britain is poised to make a strong recovery from recession, discovered that more than a quarter of firms are still planning redundancies." - Independent
We must grow ourselves out of debt - Allister Heath in City AM
City AM draws on a Civitas paper that calls for a 15% corporation tax rate by 2020 - ThinkTankCentral
There has been no global warming for 15 years, a key scientist admitted yesterday in a major U-turn - Express