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Probes Ocean of Oil in the U.S. ![]() Trapped for over four decades, one of the single largest oil resources in the world is finally tapped. Early investors stand to make an absolute fortune.
Dear Friend, With the support of the U.S. government, American companies are now mobilizing on a massive oil reserve... A cache that could hold as much as 430 billion barrels. To put that in perspective, that's more than all the oil in Iraq and Saudi Arabia, combined... And it's right here in the United States. No, I'm not talking about "oil sands," or any kind of "oil equivalent." I'm talking about liquid, bubbling crude. Stuff we can just pull out of the ground and use. Stuff that's been buried right underneath our feet for decades... but has been impossible to tap... Until now. "The recoverable resource would last over 400 years," says the RAND Corporation, an elite government think tank. "That's more than all the proven oil reserves of crude oil in the world today," reports the Denver Post. Shocking, I know. But that's just half the story... Initially dubbed "Project Bronco" by the Feds, this initiative spans nearly every state in the country. And thousands of drilling applications from oil companies, big and small, have been pouring into government offices... Claims are being staked -- huge projects that will likely make millions for many folks. In fact, the Department of Energy (DOE) has already written big checks to get these projects going. And as this story begins to hit the mainstream press, you'll likely be tempted to put a big chunk of your portfolio into some of these stocks. But here's the thing... While there's a lot of money to be made from the production of this mammoth resource... No oil company can even think about drilling if they don't have access to a brand new, revolutionary drilling technology... A device that allows oil firms to finally access this ocean of oil... from areas once thought impenetrable. As geologist Mike Boyles says: "[It's] the magic drug for getting [this] oil out of the ground." There's a lot to this story. And in the following pages, I'll tell you everything you need to know. But the bottom line is simply this: If you invest in this technology today... it could make you a fortune. Here's how... As shocking as this story is, most people have forgotten the fact that, at one time, America was an oil superpower -- the largest producer on the planet. More than capable of supplying our own energy needs. In fact, at one time, US fields accounted for over 70% of all the oil produced in the world. Illinois alone was pumping more oil than Iran and Iraq combined. But the gushers wouldn't stay gushing forever. And once the "easy" oil was gone -- the stuff that just burst from the ground -- what remained was simply unreachable. We didn't have the technology. So oil companies pulled up stakes... and started looking elsewhere. But the amount of oil left behind was far from insignificant... In the 1950s, government scientists plotted and tested these old, abandoned wells... In Louisiana, they discovered 458 million barrels left behind by the majors. In Kansas, 243 million. In Montana, estimates are well over 3 BILLION... The list goes on and on... In total, the government discovered that hundreds of billions of barrels -- the single largest known energy source on the planet -- was still sitting in the ground, trapped. Extracting this oil became one of the government's primary objectives... and the focal point of a clandestine government operation. The aforementioned "Project Bronco." Its singular mission: Devise a way to release this trapped oil. As oil expert and author Dr. Jerome R. Corsi would later remark, "U.S. oil production did not 'peak' because we ran out of domestic oil. Much oil in the U.S. has been kept in the ground awaiting new technology." For decades "Bronco" agents worked on the problem. One plan -- hit upon in 1967 -- was to drop a nuclear bomb underground, to release some of the trapped oil. Crazy, I know. But that just shows you how enormously important -- and profitable -- this resource is... The lengths the government was willing to go to get it... And why almost no one outside top agency circles was ever told. Luckily, the nuke plan was rejected, and the original "Project Bronco" was stopped. But the legacy of that initiative would fuel research for the next several decades. Which brings us to today... When a well is first drilled, the oil explodes from the ground, thanks to the earth's natural pressure. However, after awhile, the natural pressure is exhausted. And the oil won't flow on its own anymore. That's the reason why oil companies (up until today) could only extract, at most, half of the oil in any given well. That's where this new technology comes in... Using a revolutionary recovery system, centered on a CO2-based injection solution, oil companies can now "re-pressurize" these old wells. Like adding fizz back into a flat soda, the mixture first thins the oil then literally forces it up and out of the well. Here's a picture of how it works: ![]() As you can see, a second hole is drilled right next to the first one. The solution is pumped in... and the oil is pushed out. In other words, this technology finally makes possible what the US government had been trying to do for over 50 years. And here's the kicker... This process is so simple, it can be used on practically every oil well in America... to potentially extract billions of additional barrels from reserves that are just sitting there in the ground. For example... Could Make You Rich Santa Fe Springs, California was once home to the sixth largest oil deposit in the entire world... Over the years, it produced over 600 million barrels of oil. But in the '70s, the gushing field died down to a trickle... and was shut down. The "fizz" was gone. But far from being a "dry" well, geologists estimated that as much as 25% of Santa Fe's oil – millions of barrels -- was still sitting in the ground, trapped. For over 30 years, the well sat abandoned, waiting for "Bronco" scientists to figure out a plan... Then came this revolutionary injection technology. About two years ago, a tiny energy firm tested this new technology on the Santa Fe well. The result? The once "dead" field exploded back to life. Today, Santa Fe has established itself as one of the most significant oil fields in America -- pumping hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of oil a year. But more importantly, it helped spark the biggest oil grab in the history of the state. Just look at what's going on in Beverly Hills, California... Believe it or not, thanks to this new technology, the LA area is now booming with new oil wells -- wells once considered so "dry" they were built right over. There's even one right underneath a shopping mall. According to Bloomberg, "Pumping operations are hidden behind a wall between Macy's and Bloomingdales." And then there's Bakersfield, and the Kern River oil field. Chevron believes they can get 950 million barrels of oil out of this old well -- oil that's finally accessible thanks to this breakthrough technology. And there are thousands of wells now being tapped thanks to the legacy of the government's "Project Bronco." According to the San Francisco Chronicle, 2,750 new wells were recently drilled from San Joaquin to Long Beach. And it's not just California...
Now, each one of these projects is a breakthrough for the American oil industry... and a windfall for the oil companies involved. At today's prices, the Kern field alone could be worth over $47 billion. But it's this groundbreaking technology that's truly behind the biggest oil boom America has ever -- and most likely will ever -- see.I've been a geologist for over 15 years. I've analyzed and reported on oil discoveries and innovations all over the world. And after months of intensive investigation... I've just discovered one small Texas firm that's the undisputed leader in this new technology... A tiny firm that, I believe, will soon start collecting the lion's share of profits thanks to the legacy of "Project Bronco" and the release of centuries worth of untapped oil. Forbes calls them "the undisputed leader" in their field... The Department of Energy (DOE) calls the technology they're using "state of the art." But why am I so sure that shares of this tiny firm are likely to soar? For example... 1) West Texas Crude. In 1939, a huge discovery launched the Permian Basin of West Texas into one of the country's first major domestic oil sources. By the 1980s, the local town of Midland boasted more millionaires per capita than any other city in the U.S. But shortly afterwards, when oil prices crashed, Big Oil left the region. But thanks to recent advancements in something called "Carbon Dioxide Injection" technology, West Texas is once again a major source of domestic oil production. Companies using this new technology, like Occidental Petroleum, Arena Resources, and Permian Basin Royalty Trust, have gone up as high as 1,698% (Arena), 1,126% (Occidental) and 438% (Permian). 2) The Alberta Oil Sands. Did you know that oil production first began in Alberta's oil sands region as far back as the 1960s... and that those operations were also halted when oil prices bottomed out in the 1980s? But when "SAGD" technology was developed 2 decades later, it allowed companies to go back into the region. Today, it's one of the richest and most productive oil fields on Earth. Companies employing this new technology like Suncor, Canadian Oil Sands Trust, and Imperial Oil – have all shot up 4,962% (Suncor), 1,400% (Can. Oil Sands), and 1,043% (Imperial). 3) The Gulf of Mexico. The same thing happened in the Gulf of Mexico... a major source of domestic oil in the 1970s and 80s. Again, most of the projects there were abandoned when oil prices crashed in the 1990s. Then, the introduction of "3-D Seismic" technology rejuvenated the region, and early investors made a fortune. Companies using this new technology, like Anadarko Petroleum, Stone Energy, and ConocoPhillips, went up as much as 388% (Anadarko), 292% (Conoco), and 229% (Stone). **The same thing that happened in these independent regions is now happening on a national scale thanks to this breakthrough technology... Which means the potential gains are simply incalculable... In fact, The DOE just did a study of 200 oil wells in the Gulf Coast region. The study showed that this small area alone had an additional 3 to 5 billion barrels of oil, which could be recovered with this innovative process. Incredibly, the small Texas company is the ONLY company in the world who has the infrastructure and the resources in this area to make a killing off this oil. At today's oil prices, this one area alone could produce more than $62 billion in future earnings – over 15 times this company's current market cap. Can you see why I believe this company and their technology could easily make early investors extraordinarily rich? This is just one tiny area of a project that spans the entire country. They're also involved in major projects in the Rocky Mountains. In April 2008, the U.S. Geological Survey estimated 4.3 billion barrels of recoverable oil sits in old fields in that region alone. Combined, these projects could be worth $160 billion in future earnings. And this is just the beginning of a nationwide effort that could last for decades. As you can see, once this trend really takes off, the sky's the limit. If you're interested, here's how to get in... My name is Matt Badiali. I'm a geologist. I've been studying the oil industry for the past 15 years. I've been involved in almost every aspect of geological exploration and drilling. From my stints on a drill rig in Florida and work as a field geologist for a variety of firms... to my research and teaching positions at major universities in petroleum geology... What I've learned boils down to this: Making a fortune from oil, more so than anything else, is an information game.You see, I work with a team of analysts, currency experts, former brokers, and hedge fund managers... and we're constantly leveraging our network of sources so we almost always get a jumpstart on finding the big opportunities BEFORE they become mainstream. For example... 308% & 219% Returns on Chinese Oil – while it was just a back page story In 2003, China was still a small-time oil consumer... and very much a back page story. But after sending a couple researchers to Shanghai to investigate the situation in China firsthand, we saw with our own eyes the transformation about to take place. We recommended Petrochina (PTR) and Sinopec (SNP) – two of China's big oil companies. If you bought then and held until today, you'd be sitting on gains of 308% and 219%. Barron's quotes us In 2004, we were the first team to pick up on the incredible potential of a company called Encana (ECA). It's a unique energy company with oil and natural gas operations throughout North America. What really made them a great recommendation were the millions of acres of mineral-rich land they own throughout Canada and the U.S., which they are constantly developing and earning money on by leasing to other energy companies. Encana has gone up as much as 136% since we recommended it. My associate, Dan Ferris was even quoted in Barron's for his value based investment research. 101% on a deep-sea takeover A few years ago I was in Houston, where my team and I met with the CFO of Veritas – a small geo-exploration company specializing in seismic data, used for finding offshore oil. At the time, Wall Street had low expectations for the company. But the rush was on to develop more deepwater and ultra-deepwater basins... my visit impressed me... and Veritas' technology was top-notch. Shortly after we recommended the company, it won a key government contract to map out oil fields in the Caspian Sea and another data company bought it out. Readers who got in early had a chance to lock in 101% gains. Most recently, we've been looking very closely at the opportunity with this injection technology -- a technology that's singlehandedly ushering in a new American oil boom. But I urge you to act now... As billions of barrels of trapped oil begin to flow to the surface, I expect this company could conservatively double your money. If you're interested in getting the full details, I've put together an in-depth research report that explains the situation in full. It's called "Project Bronco": The Secret Injection Technology that Could Make You a Fortune. This comprehensive Research Report details everything you need to know to take advantage BEFORE this opportunity goes mainstream: The full details on the government's massive oil effort... the new technology that's making it possible... and how much you could expect to make if you get in now... I'd like to rush you this report today, for free. And the good news doesn't end here... You see, this Texas company's injection technology is just the beginning of a major new trend in American oil exploration. There is actually another way to take advantage of this new oil situation, which could also add more money to your bank account in the coming months. Let me show you what I mean... Perhaps you've heard of the Bakken Formation. It's a massive oil field that spans 25,000 square miles in North Dakota, Montana and Canada. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the Bakken is estimated to contain 4.3 billion barrels of oil. And over the past few years, the region has exploded with exploration and drilling activity. Marathon Oil, for one, announced it would spend $1.5 billion over five years, to drill 300 new wells in North Dakota. But here's the thing... Unlike "conventional" oil -- the kind that's just sitting in deep wells, waiting to be pumped out... The Bakken is a "shale oil" field. As you probably know, shale oil is oil that's trapped inside solid matter like stones or dirt fields. And extracting it requires an entirely different technological process than the one I've been telling you about so far. In the months I spent researching "Project Bronco" -- and the tiny Texas company that stands to make a fortune from its legacy -- I came across another incredible opportunity... A small company whose patented technology makes producing oil and gas in shale possible. You see, getting oil out of the Bakken requires a process known as "horizontal" drilling. Here's a picture of how it works: ![]() As you can see, first you drill straight down -- just like a regular well. When you finally reach the oil layer (about a mile underground), the drill turns at a 90-degree angle. Horizontal drilling is the only way to get to these pockets. But that's just half the battle... Once you're down there, you need something that can actually split the tightly bound layers of rock where the oil is trapped. And that's where this tiny company comes in... "It's this new technology," says Brian Schweitzer, Governor of Montana, "that allows us to horizontally drill... a mile horizontally in every direction." Simply put: Horizontal drilling isn't enough. You can't get out the oil without something called "proppant" -- tiny balls that wedge open the layers of rock releasing the oil. If you're drilling for shale oil, you need this technology. And I've discovered one little-known company that has a virtual monopoly in this industry. They're the world's largest supplier, with 60% of the market share. But that's just for starters. Here are five more reasons I think you could make a fortune from this company in the months to come... 1) Incredibly, after using this company's technology, oil production from that well has nearly doubled. No wonder oil majors like Halliburton, BJ Services and Schlumberger are eager to sign long-term contracts with this company. 2) This product is in such high demand, they can't supply it fast enough. In 2007, sales outside the US accounted for 36% of the company's profits. But in 2008, it dropped to 29%. Why? Because the company had so much domestic demand it simply couldn't supply its overseas market. 3) Six critical patents. I won't bore you with the technical details, but these six patents (numbers 7,615,172... 7,387,752... 7,255,815... 7,119,039... 7,036,591... 5,188,175) ensure this company will continue to dominate their market, without worrying about competition. These patents are what make them the biggest of their type in the world. 4) Institutional investors have been quietly building huge positions in this company. Recently, Vanguard purchased 986,605 shares, Barclays purchased 1,301,918 shares and T. Row Price purchased 809,809 shares. Think they know something the majority of Americans don't? You bet. 5) The boom is just getting started In a little over a decade the stock has shot up 461%. But here's the thing: This secret technology is only used on 20% of the horizontal wells worldwide so far. This means there is huge growth potential. I wouldn't be surprised if this company jumped another 400% over the next few years. I've published everything you need to know about this company in my research report, The Bakken Technology: How to Make 400% or More in American Oil Shale. This research report, along with my report on the legacy of "Project Bronco", is also absolutely free of charge. But before I show you how to claim your copy, there's another extraordinary situation I recently came across that I think you'll find very interesting... In a field I also know very well... |