Sunday, 14 February 2010

UKIP MEPs in European Parliament this week

Thursday, 11th February 2010

UKIP MEPs were busy in Strasbourg this week, speaking to a range of topics from the Greek economic crisis to the rise of terrorism under communism.

Marta Andreasen pushes for justice
for ex-pat homeowners in Spain

John Bufton on perils of becoming
a member of the eurozone

David Campbell Bannerman on how
EU encourages migration to UK

Paul Nuttall on how the EU money
is saving jobs in Mexico and Russia

William Dartmouth on how the EU
is 'pouring glue' on the job market

Godfrey Bloom blasts tax
harmonisation by the 'thieves' cartel'

Gerard Batten on how terrorism
flourishes in communist regimes

John Bufton on how Turkey's EU
admission is 'inconceivable'

UKIP stands firm on Greece rescue

Thursday, 11th February 2010

UKIP has demanded that Gordon Brown must not donate UK taxpayers' hard-earned cash for somebody else's failed polticial project in Greece.

Party Spokesman Nigel Farage MEP said: "The Greek financial crisis is a crisis created by the EU and the creation of the Euro. In no way should the British taxpayer be hammered to pay for it.

"What's more, even under the rules of the undemocratic Lisbon Treaty he doesn't even need to.

"It says, in Article 125: 'The Union shall not be liable for or assume the commitments of central governments, regional, local or other public authorities, other bodies governed by public law, or public undertakings of any Member State, without prejudice to mutual financial guarantees for the joint execution of a specific project. A Member State shall not be liable for or assume the commitments of central governments, regional, local or other public authorities, other bodies governed by public law, or public undertakings of another Member State, without prejudice to mutual financial guarantees for the joint execution of a specific project.'

"In other words, Gordon Brown is preparing to throw our money down an Athens financial sewer just to look good in the eyes of France and Germany.

"In January of last year I pointed out that the Greek economy, stuck in the European prison of nations was a train wreck waiting to happen.At the time I pointed out: "Thousands of young people out on the streets were demonstrating, demanding their government does something, demanding that their government cuts rates, demanding that their government devalues. But the Greek Government is stuck inside the euro straitjacket. There is nothing it can do. There is nothing that a future general election can do in Greece to change anything. When people have taken away from them the ability to determine their own futures through the ballot box, then I am afraid that violence becomes the only logical alternative".

"I was booed and jeered by the assembled European elite. Called all sorts of names. Well, it has come to pass and I do not believe that the British public should be robbed on the EU's account." he continued.

For the Greek's response at the time, read The UKIP Blog here.

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