Tuesday, 16 February 2010

The “Tolerance” of Radical Islam
by Guy Rodgers, Executive Director

Dear Harold,

Muslims in America and throughout the world regularly lecture us about how we are not sufficiently “tolerant” of Islam.

Students of the threat of radical Islam know how offensively hypocritical this is. America bends over backwards to be tolerant, so much so that “tolerance” has evolved into a corrosive political correctness which created the climate of military silence that led to the jihadist massacre at Ft. Hood.

Meanwhile, the “tolerance” of Islam is on display in Saudi Arabia, where a Christian can’t publicly carry a Bible and a Jew can’t wear a Star of David.

It’s on display in this video, shot at the University of California/Irvine, where radical Muslims and their sympathizers repeatedly shouted down a speaker at a public event. If you want to see the ugly face of the “tolerance” of radical Islam right here in America,click here.

Brigitte Gabriel knows all about this so-called “tolerance,” and if you’ve read her best-selling book Because They Hate you know her story.

For me, this so-called “tolerance” recently struck very close to home.

That’s when a good friend of our family, a pastor, was arrested in a Muslim-majority African country. (I am not revealing the pastor’s name or the country to protect his identity.)

The pastor was invited to speak at a small home meeting, a group of about 20 people, including children.

During the meeting, over 60 military police descended on this small group that somehow posed such a fearsome “threat” to the peace and well-being of the country!

The pastor’s Bible and personal effects were confiscated. Fortunately for him, his punishment was deportation. It could have been much, much worse.

The militant intolerance of radical Islam that dominates the Muslim world is not a relic of some ancient past. It is the reality of every nation where Muslims enjoy either a majority or a substantial minority of the population. Even countries characterized as more tolerant, such as Turkey, are rife with examples of this intolerance.

This intolerance is taking root in America. The UC/Irvine video is not an isolated case. Perhaps you recall the protestors in January, 2009, shouting at Jews on the streets of Florida “go back to the ovens” and “die, die, die!”

We must win the war against Islamic terrorism. But we must also win the war for the preservation of America’s values of freedom and our cherished right of free speech.

For the tolerance of evil is not tolerance. As Lee Harris notes in his book The Suicide of Reason, the tolerance of militant Islamist intolerance is cultural suicide.


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