Tuesday, 9 February 2010

The Fallout Continues

Dear Harold, 

The fallout continues after the Ft. Hood jihadist massacre and the near-miss terrorist act of the “Underwear Bomber.” 

Our friend Zuhdi Jasser, a Muslim, former Naval officer, and the president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, penned a commentary yesterday in which he correctly criticizes the Pentagon’s 84 page report that purported to assess the reasons for the Ft. Hood jihadist attack. 

If you would like to read Mr. Jasser’s insightful analysis please  click here.

On Sunday, a Dallas Morning News article contained this chilling sentence: 

“But Fort Hood gunman Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan wasn't the only one working on a Texas Army base the day of the shooting who had links to radical Islamists.” 

The writer was referring to Louay Safi, a high-ranking official in ISNA, the Islamic Society of North America. The The article notes that, in spite of Safi’s questionable public statements and connections with militant Muslims, he has been retained by the military to teach our soldiers about Islam!

In a February 5th article on our friend Steven Emerson’s Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) website, we read that Omar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the “Underwear Bomber,” spent two weeks in Houston attending a course conducted by the AlMaghrib Institute. 

According to the article, this was the third AlMaghrib course Abdulmutallab had taken.

This article tells us a great deal about the kind of “education” Abdulmutallab was getting—right here in the United States—and sheds light on what motivated Abdulmutallab to decide to engage in jihad. 

For instance, videotapes obtained by IPT show the Houston director of AlMaghrib glorifying jihad and honoring a man who was sentenced to life in prison for soliciting jihadists to wage war against the United States. 

The article begs the question, at what point do jihadists, who train others in jihad, lose their rights to free speech in our country?

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