Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Eric Cantor Urges Obama to Cancel KSM Trial
God bless Eric Cantor!
The Republican Congressman from Virginia has authored a must-read opinion piece urging the Obama administration to keep Al Qaeda war criminals off U.S. soil.
"Elected officials from both parties, in both chambers of Congress, are stepping up legislative efforts to deny any funding for trying alleged 9/11 conspirators in federal courts," Cantor writes. "President Obama, who finally told the American people that we are “at war” with Al Qaeda after the attempted Christmas bombing, can reassure an American public that is already questioning his administration’s toughness on terrorism to combat terrorism by announcing he will try Khalid Sheikh Mohamed by military commission."
Read Cantor's entire essay here.
Click on the video below to learn more about his vision for American progress.
No wonder Cantor is considered a possible Presidential hopeful. The 23rd Minority Whip of the United States House of Representatives has more intelligence, courage, and plain, old, common sense than the whole Islamist-appeasing administration and all the dumbbell Democrats in Congress put together.GILLIBRAND SUPPORTED CIVILIAN TRIAL SCHEME
In somewhat related news, New York's viciously anti-Israel U.S. Senator, Kirsten Gillibrand, a Democrat, who initially supported the Obama administration's obscene civilian trial scheme, is being challenged by a smarter centrist, as reportedhere.
Gillibrand's critics see her as a consummate phony--and a closet bigot.Berlusconi Backs Israel on Iran Threat
Italy's staunchly pro-Israel Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi told the Knesset today that the world "cannot accept" a nuclear-armed Iran. Click here for the report from Jerusalem.
Berlusconi noted in his address in Italian the strong ties between Jerusalem and Rome, saying that "Italy is like a big brother to Israel."
"We are fighting and will continue to fight together with you against every instance of anti-Semitism in Europe and around the world," Berlusconi said. "We will also stand with you in Israel's struggle for peace and security, and work to establish democracy in nations throughout the world and defend freedom as inalienable requirements for every human being."
Before his speech, Berlusconi was lavishly praised by Israel's leadership.
Courage and Conviction
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu labeled Berlusconi a man of courage and conviction, but noted his upbringing could not have produced anything less. Netanyahu recounted how during World War II, Berlusconi's then-pregnant mother had, at great risk to herself, argued with a Nazi officer for the freedom of a captured Jewish woman, and had won the argument. Wednesday was the second anniversary of the passing of Rosa Bossi Berlusconi, the Italian leader's mother.
Netanyahu concluded his introduction by telling Berlusconi: "We appreciate you. We embrace you. We love you."
The two leaders then embraced, and Berlusconi was forced to brush away tears.
During his speech, Berlusconi condemned the United Nations' Goldstone Commission for trying to "incriminate Israel for its legitimate response" to incessant Palestinian rocket fire during last year's Gaza war, and fully sided with Jerusalem on the demand for much stronger international action against Iran's nuclear program.
A day earlier, Berlusconi and his top ministers held a joint cabinet meeting with their Israeli counterparts in Jerusalem. The Italian prime minister said he dreams of winning Israel membership in the European Union so the two nations may work even more closely together.
Thursday, 4 February 2010
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Britannia Radio