In my ongoing research into the origins of ownership of the Auschwitz blueprints and the little spoken-of partnership between The Third Reich and Islam, I discovered the Bosnian-Muslims' current revival of Nazism that I posted here. There is much more damning evidence that this sick and twisted love affair is very much still with us. Much thanks to the indispensable source on Bosnia and Serbia, Julia Gorin. Even as the Bosnian Muslims were trying to get Jewish support in the early 90s,painting themselves situationally as the contemporary Jews, they were reviving the Nazi Handzar Division to fight the Serbs. Nonetheless, the modern 90s. Here is an email I got from historian Carl Savich in, followed by a 1993 UK Daily Telegraph report that was dutifully ignored by the world. Also, please note that in your last paragraph you’ve got Izetbegovic as the “current president.” He was the 1990s wartime president and is currently in hell, as he passed away a few years ago while the Hague was taking its time issuing his indictment. However, please note that the Haris Silajdzic mentioned in the 1993 Guardian article is, disturbingly enough, still in power in Bosnia and harbors jihadists. Here's the email from historian Carl Savich, whose columns can be found on Now, can you imagine naming a unit or formation of your army after a Nazi SS Division? Who would be that insane? Well, I guess the Bosnian Muslims would be that insane! And the shocking part is that no one caught this! What led me to pursue this story was a story by Robert Fox in 1993 that reported that the Bosnian Muslim government had reformed the Nazi SS Division. Now, everyone was skeptical. I was as well. Who would be that crazy to reform a Nazi SS Division? You have to be out of your mind! And especially when the whole propaganda paradigm is how your enemy is supposedly a Nazi and wants to repeat the Holocaust! It just boggles the mind! …If [one] bothered to read the [Hague ICTY] transcripts, available on the web, [one] would have found that the Bosnian Muslim Government did in fact have a formation called the Handzar Divizija. Here is the quote from the transcript: Page 85 It is like that story by Edgar Allan Poe, The Purloined Letter. Just put it in PLAIN SIGHT and everyone will miss it! I will be writing something on this soon. Here is a link to the transcript: The page will not CACHE properly. This may be why it was missed. It won't CACHE "Handzar" so the whole thing has to be read. The quote is near the bottom of the page when you scroll down. [End.] The full article that Carl ended up writing can be found here: Check out the big green Oct. 1991 cover of Novi VOX magazine depicting a Muslim Handzar troop stepping on severed heads of Serbian leaders. In German and Serbo-Croatian is written: “The Handzar Division is Ready!” This threat to reform the Nazi SS Handzar Division and to cut off Serbian heads was a half year before the civil war started, Carl points out, adding, “As it turned out, these threats were not idle ones and they made good on them.” Also related to today's post is his article “Islam Under the Swastika.” But the short-hand lesson for today is the brief article below and Carl’s and my emails above. Huge thanks to for making the piece below available. "DOCUMENTS!" shouted a man in a beret with an insignia in green Arabic script outside the UN house in the Bosnian mountain town of Fojnica. He was hostile and demanded our presence at the police station. Later the police chief apologised, but made clear that authority had passed to the men with the Koranic texts hanging from their fatigues. Last summer Muslim and Croat leaders in Fojnica asked the WN to declare it a "zone of peace". Since then war has ravaged the town, bringing murder, mayhem and exile to at least half its original population of 12,000. Different, and alien, forces are now in charge -- some of the toughest in the Bosnian Muslim army. These are the men of the Handzar division. "We do everything with the knife, and we always fight on the frontline," a Handzar told one UN officer. Up to 6000-strong, the Handzar division glories in a fascist culture. They see themselves as the heirs of the SS Handzar division, formed by Bosnian Muslims in 1943 to fight for the Nazis. Their spiritual model was Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who sided with Hitler. According to UN officers, surprisingly few of those in charge of the Handzars in Fojnica seem to speak good Serbo-Croatian. "Many of them are [Muslim] Albanian, whether from Kosovo (the Serb province where Albanians are the majority) or from Albania itself." They are trained and led by veterans from Afghanistan and Pakistan, say UN sources. The strong presence of native Albanians is an ominous sign. It could mean the seeds of war are spreading south via Kosovo and into Albania, thence to the Albanians of Macedonia. Pakistani fundamentalists are known to have had a strong hand in providing arms and a small weapons industry for the Bosnian Muslims. Hardline elements of the Bosnian army, like the Handzar, appear to have the backing of an increasingly extreme leadership in Sarajevo, represented by Mr Ejup Ganic, Foreign Minister, Mr Haris Silajdzic, Prime Minister, and Mr Enver Hadjihasanovic, the new army chief. The Handzars are working closely with other units around Fojnica, preparing for the long assault on Kiseljak to the east and Prozor to the west, a campaign likely to last years. The first political act in this new operation appears to have been the murder of the two monks in the monastery. Last monthBrother Nikola Milicevic, 39, and Brother Mato Migic, 56, were surprised by a four-man squad. After an argument, Brother Nikola was shot dead on the spot. His colleague was only wounded, but finished off by a shot in the neck. Mysteriously, the police guard disappeared a few minutes before. The murder squad withdrew after the killings. The Provincial for the Franciscans of Bosnia, Petar Andjelovic, demanded an explanation. He received condolences from President Alija Izetbegovic and a note from the police in Sarajevo that the matter was under investigation. The Provincial is convinced this was a political murder to deepen the division between Croats and Muslims. He also believes it was sanctioned by Sarajevo. "I can say that for the moment all responsibility for this killing falls at the door of the Bosnian army," he told an Italian Catholic magazine last week. "Somebody very powerful must have organised this." The way the Handzars have settled in Fojnica suggests they are playing for a long war. The town is self-sufficient in meat, vegetables and cereals. The terrain is ideal for guerrilla operations. More significant is the nature of the Handzars, and the influences of the Albanians in their command, and the support from Pakistan. These suggest, politically and militarily, the war in Bosnia has spread - under the dozing eyes of the West. From our sources: Look how today, Bosnian Muslims BRAG ABOUT THEIR NAZI PAST. Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 06:46 PM in Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia: Militant Islam | Permalink | Comments (7) ShareThisWednesday, February 17, 2010