What if a Joe Stack had murdered Joe Banister? The Gay Infiltration of the Conservative Movement Some fantastic heretics I have known The Borg Deception
I must assume those who think Joe Stack is a hero won't mind being a victim of the next Joe Stack because he/she kills IRS employees or USDA employees. I must assume those who think Joe Stack is a hero won't mind if their wife, son, daughter, husband or grandpa just happens to be collateral damage the next time a Joe Stack........
by Devvy Kidd
California Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) chairman Ryan Sorba generated a media controversy when he was shown at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) denouncing the organizers for inviting a homosexual Republican group, GOProud, into the event as an official sponsor. In “controversial” remarks, Sorba said homosexuality was unnatural and that he welcomed more debate and discussion about the........
by Cliff Kincaid
That should have been that, but for the next week the old memories in those boxes kept calling to me about things and friends I had nearly forgotten—people who represented the true mission of the Church and were wonderful examples to my wife and I about what it means to be a Christian. Their names would not be recognized by most......
by Thomas Horn
Too many Americans today have the borg mentality; they tend to believe anything and everything they are spoon-fed so long as it comes from the lamestream media and government, using all the right triggers and prompts. That's why so many have believed the carefully crafted but deceptive words of AKA.........
by Lynn Stuter
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
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Britannia Radio