Will the EU give itself the same power as the USA eventually?
Thursday, 25 February 2010
25.2.2010. xxxxxxxxxxxxx ap
So, Sir John Major KG,CH was dismayed at what has happened to Britain
since he handed over power to Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, so much so
he had a full page to write in, in The Mail on Sunday Feb 21st 2010.
Well, there are many people that will never forgive HIM for what HE
did to this Country when he too was trusted with the "power" to govern
it. He not only made us all "citizen's" of Europe, he even made our
Queen, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II an EU Citizen as well. The
very person, the wearer of the British Crown he solemnly declared his
true and solemn Oath of Allegiance to as he took up his place to sit
on those Green Benches.
Did he ask Her Majesty if she would mind becoming an EU Citizen I
wonder? Did he ask YOU or the rest of us? How can our Monarch also be
just a simple "Citizen of Europe"? Since all law in the United Kingdom
is enacted in the name of Her Majesty the Queen as Head of State, the
relationship between the EU and the UK has always been in doubt. As
such, by definition, Her Majesty is above the law. How else,
otherwise, can the law be enacted in her name? How can a "Citizen of
Europe" be Queen of our Nation and the Commonwealth? No wonder this
Government have tried to repeal the Laws of Treason? Those Treason
Laws are there still, and most are ENTRENCHED, to protect the Crown of
the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and even though the 1795 Treason
Act was allegedly repealed in the 1998 Crime And Disorder Act, if
people care to dig a little deeper they will find that the Treason Law
remains there to protect the Crown, and although Terrorism Laws may be
used where it might have been better to use the laws on Treason,
Terrorism Laws are no alternative for violation of the Oath of
Allegiance because violation of that Oath is the greatest betrayal of
Did he look Her Majesty in the eye as he was knighted? Even the
people on the Falkland Islands since 21 May 2002 are EU Citizens as
well as being British. Yes, we are all living with the grave mistakes
Sir John Major made during his time of POWER, but that disaster has
not played itself out yet for what will happen when/or if the time
comes when we become just EU Citizens eh? Think it can't happen?
I have been looking in the direction of the United States of America,
and yes, they too were all separate States at one time. Even as a
United States of America, each State has their own laws, providing
they are within the Constitution of the United States of America.
(This next paragraph is from Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia). The
United States Constitution was adopted September 1787 by the
Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and ratified
by conventions in each U.S. State in the name of “the People”. The
Constitution has been amended twenty-seven time; the first ten
amendments are known as the Bill of Rights. End of Quote. One great
advantage of course, is that each State speaks the same language.
Nothing can be lost either by accident or deliberate in the
A great difference of course from the way the European Union works.
Mostly un-elected people make the laws, Regulations and Directives.
As far as the UK is concerned, these alien laws are ‘scrutinised’ and
because of the ratification of the original Treaty of Rome, all is
passed and allegedly welcomed. There may be a kind of opt out on some
matters, if only to “get things passed”, but those ‘opt outs’ seem to
vanish over time. All EU laws are incorporated into our
legislation-and become our laws- through the European Communities Act
1972. Two great differences from the USA. Firstly, there are many
different languages in the EU and although many on the continent speak
fluently two or three languages even at an early age, sadly the
British do not. They very rarely seem to speak ENGLISH clearly, never
mind a foreign language. When people on the continent can stand with
one foot in one Country and the other foot in a different Country,
there is a need to know another language. If we from the UK went to a
conference or a party on the continent, most of us would need to have
an interpreter.
Secondly, the USA is still a collection of States working together,
where as the EU makes the laws we obey and seems to have designs on
becoming one big State, this through the destruction of Nation States
and their Parliamentary system and eventually governing directly
through the EU Regions all ready set up.
Almost all American Citizens are very proud of their flag and anthem
and most of all they seem very proud to be Citizens of the United
States of America. But how did they get to be USA Citizens when they
too came from different States?
Could it happen to us? Remember The United States as early as 1789
in Art. I, sec. 8, clause 4 of the Constitution of the United States
it was provided: 'The Congress shall have Power . . . to establish an
uniform Rule of Naturalization.
Does anyone believe that the EU will not give 'itself' the power
eventually? Will you be asked? Would any British Government ask you?
Were you asked by Prime Minister John Major if you wanted to be an EU
Many of the laws and the promotion of integration, the ‘open borders’,
the Borders we can no longer control, the on going immigration here in
the UK is what it is all about.
On the 28th June 2002 I wrote two articles in the same week. One
article on the “Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Bill” going
through Parliament at that time. This I tied up with the Council of
Europe Re Conventions and Agreements in the European Treaty Series
(ETS) and particularly the pages set out for the “ticking of boxes”
for the various items going through the Nation States, and for these
comments I turn once more to the Council of Europe’s “European
Convention on Nationality” and the definitions of Citizenship and
Nationality. The explanatory Report states: Most countries of
central and eastern Europe use the term “citizenship” which has the
same meaning as the term “nationality” used in the European Convention
on Nationality and by most western European States.
The concept of nationality was explored by the International Court of
Justice in the Nottebohm case. This court defined nationality as “a
legal bond having as its basis a social fact of attachment, a genuine
connection of existence, interests and sentiments, together with the
existence of reciprocal rights and duties” (Nottebohm case, ICJ
Reports 1955, p23).
The Other Article on the same theme was “Subjects of Her Majesty, The
Queen” For it was at this time I renounced my “European citizenship”,
that is if it is possible to renounce a ‘concept’ of citizenship. (a
concept-[an idea or invention to ‘sell’ or publicize a new commodity]
) This I did when I realised the new Bill (Nationality, Immigration
and Asylum Act 2002) was going through Parliament at the time this
Government was trying to give itself the power, for the very first
time in the history of this Country, to remove the British citizenship
of a person that was actually born here in the United Kingdom.
International law prefers only one Nationality and when a person has
voluntarily taken on a further nationality, it prefers to remove the
former nationality. Upon reading THAT, I did not want to be left with
just EU nationality so I thought I would renounce the EU citizenship
that had been thrust upon me. I believe I was the first person to do
this. According to International law, no one can be made “Stateless”
removing citizenship, and I had had visions of having my British
citizenship removed, leaving me only as a European Citizen against my
wishes. The word ‘Voluntary’ bothers me, because did it mean because
I had voted in an election for a Party that wanted to be in the EU
mean that I too had ‘voluntary’ wanted the same as them? My one vote
surely won’t matter will it? But if most of the people vote for
Parties that want to remain in the EU and one becomes our Government,
it will indeed matter. We will have made our voices heard very loudly
on that count.
The people in the Falkland Islands are British. They want to be
British. By being British they are, since 21 May 2002 also EU
Citizens as well as being British. Were they asked if they wanted to
be EU Citizens? Did they have a referendum? Do they know I wonder
that they are now EU Citizens?
According to Article 17 of the EC Treaty, every person holding the
Nationality of a Member State shall be a citizen of the Union. As a
matter of fact, all Nationals of Greenland, and the French and the
Dutch overseas Countries and Territories (OCT's) also have the
nationality of the related Member States automatically and are
therefore EU citizens. As from 21st May 2002, the citizens of ALL the
British OCT's are also British citizens, but they can renounce it in
favour of remaining British overseas territories citizens only. This
is printed very clearly in EU COM (2009) 623 final dated 6.11. 2009.
Sadly, there is no such choice for the rest of us.
With the problems now mounting over the Falkland Islands over the
drilling for oil who knows what may happen in the future. America may
not want to know although other countries have given their support to
Argentina. Will the fact that the Islanders are now also EU Citizens
alter the position? There is no question to answer. There may be
countries tied into the EU that would not fight for, or on behalf of
the British OCT's, (some did not support the UK in the first Falklands
war) but will the rest of the EU because they have claimed all the
Member States OCT’s are now EU Citizens also?
All this EU Citizenship is down to Sir John Major KG, CH., His
Government and Political Party at that time. Once more, the people
were ignored. May God forgive the likes of ALL our Politicians for
what is to become of us all because the British people will not go
meekly anywhere. Is this present Government as strong as the people
though? xxxxxxxxxx ap
COM (2009) 623 final
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Britannia Radio