Alex Jones Behind the Scenes of CNN’s Attack Piece
Aaron Dykes
March 28, 2010
In this important interview, Alex Jones shows us what goes on behind the scenes of the CNN attack piece apparently set on demonizing tea parties and pro-Constitutional movements as “violent”.
Alex instantly recognize the attempt to demonize him personally, as well as to discredit other grassroots political movements by the tone of the producer’s questions.
Regardless of what CNN chooses to air in the future, or how they might distort Alex’s responses, here is a record of what really happened. It was filmed on a pocket camera, and no audio of CNN’s questions is available (as Alex was filmed in a remote studio here in Austin, and they were asking questions from CNN), but Alex Jones’ responses are all here, as he denies their attempt to frame his influence over talk radio and in documentary films as connected with “violence” “anarchy” or other such demonized terms.
Alex calls out CNN for their complicity in “violence” through the promotion of the Iraq War– which resulted in more than 1 million dead Iraqi civilians, including women and children. Alex dares CNN to mention over the airwaves the fact that Anderson Cooper was admittedly in the CIA and is part of the elite Astor family, or the fact that CNN reported the collapse of WTC Building 7 more than an hour ahead of its actual collapse, likely in response to an early Reuters wire report. Yet, no retraction has been made.
Whether or not Alex’s strong response to CNN’s attempt at painting political dissents as “violent” terrorists will ever be aired or not remains to be seen.