Friday, 26 March 2010
Diplomats at an EU summit in Brussels have accepted a bailout plan for Greece.
Devvy Kid breaks it down about the IRS… She is spot-on.
In Jason Bermas’ latest documentary, Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined, we get a finely honed lesson
in what the New World is and who has spoken its name. Jason collates a mass of video and audio quotes of
insiders mentioning and promoting the globalist plan to convert the world into an authoritarian slave labor gulag.
Jim Rogers points out that hard working people in France and Germany shouldn’t be made to pay to bailout
Greece, and that Greece should be allowed to go bankrupt.
European leaders have launched an audacious bid to create an ‘economic government of the EU’ – even as they
were forced to go cap in hand to the International Monetary Fund for a £20 billion bailout of debt-stricken Greece.
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Britannia Radio