The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday Truth, justice and evidence, however, are hardly the mottos of federal prosecutors and ‘investigators’, and they announced that Ivins did the deed and, here we go, worked alone. They threw in the usual blatant lies that included the claim that ‘the genetically unique parent material of the anthrax spores ... was created and solely maintained by Dr. Ivins.’ This was nonsense, as biological warfare and anthrax expert, Dr. Meryl Nass, said: ‘Let me reiterate: No matter how good the microbial forensics may be, they can only, at best, link the anthrax to a particular strain and lab. They cannot link it to any individual.’ It turns out that Ivins was only one of some 100 people who could have handled the vial used in the attacks. Richard Spertzel, a microbiologist who led the United Nations’ biological weapons inspections of Iraq, also said that the anthrax used could not have come from the lab where Ivins worked. The FBI failed to find any anthrax spores at Ivins' house or on anything belonging to him and nor could they show that he ever went near the mailbox in New Jersey from where the anthrax was posted. But, hey, the guy’s dead and can’t defend himself so, er, he did it.ANOTHER PATSY ...
Saturday, 20 March 2010
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Britannia Radio