Telegraph blog - Patrick West on BBC Radio comedy. He makes many of the same observations as I did in The Two Generics. Following up the COMplus post, something that those who do not work in television might not realise is that organisations that are linked to it, such as the Television Trust for the Environment (TVE) would not exist unless they were adept beggars and propagandists and because of the BBC. TVE poses as an independent production company but it is not; the organisation is only economically viable because it receives lavish support from a clutch of warmist NGOs, including WWF, Oxfam, Christian Aid and World Vision. B-BBC has already established that the BBC World Service Trust is an organisation that exists mainly to spread climate change lies. Now, the redoubtable EU Referendum has gone a very important step further. The so-called trust is a founding partner of a body called COMplus, which describes itself as a "diverse global alliance of organisations committed to scaling-up the impact of sustainable development communications through partnership and collaboration." Thus the BBC is a prime mover in shadowy - but highly organised - international efforts to foist the greenie ethos upon us all. To add insult to injury, COMplus, surprise, surprise, is funded by your money, via the Department for International Development (and of course through WST itself). "BBC Radio's gang of Lefty comedians"
>> THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 2010
All of these, of course, as I noted in the original post, have a massive climate change/political agenda, and they receive funds from governments and the EU. They turn to TVE to make films (supposedly "independent" but rigidly sticking to the warmist agenda) because it's cheaper to fund a specialist producer on a collective basis. They might not get exactly what they want, but it's damn close.
It's also true that TVE could not exist unless it had a guaranteed outlet - and the BBC has provided that certainty for 25 years. In turn, the BBC itself leeches on TVE's subsidies because it uses its capacity often, not only on regular slots like Earth Report, but also to make material for programmes such as Newsnight, where TVE's alleged "environmental expertise" is judged to be the reason why it is qualified to make and publish such material. The reality, of course, is that the resulting programming spreads the greenie propaganda message - exactly in line with the NGO agenda. Time and time again, in such BBC programming, spokesmen for warmist NGOs appear, but sceptics never do.
Thus the BBC does far more than work with TVE. It provides it with its very lifeblood, access to airtime. In turn, the BBC - by using TVE programmes - gets access to the millions of pounds of donor cash that go to NGOs. I wonder how many of the donors that so generously give to charities such as Oxfam know how their hard-earned cash is actually being spent? To me, it's fraud on a massive scale.CONSPIRACY?
The scale and modus operandi of this activity beggars belief, and the BBC is in every sense a key component, putting it firmly in bed with the main greenie activists around the world.Look for example, at just one of the COMplus partner organisations, the Television Trust for the Environment (TVE). Naturally, its main goal is to make greenie propaganda (the annual report is a manual about the chilling art). The main outlet is on the BBC World television service; its programmes such as Earth Report reach 172 countries and notch up audiences of 100m plus. Principal funders of TVE include the World Wildlife Fund, Christian Aid, and Oxfam - the usual suspect NGOs who, in their pursuit of climate change nonsense, have become polticial activists whose main aim is to spread the lie that the West is to blame for all the developing world ills. Predictably, TVE is run by one Cheryl Campbell, a former BBC journalist (and greenie fanatic) who was also communications chief of Christian Aid.
Also in on the act is the Reuters Foundation, which, as B-BBC also established in a previous post is the founder of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. This body is run partly by BBC journalist James Painter, a climate change activist who is a model of his type; Goebbels would have been proud of him.
Before the AGW myth was formed, I was not a great believer in conspiracies. But in every stage of investigation of climate change, there's evidence that this is a propaganda exercise on and unprecedented scale. And the BBC is at the epicentre of it all. It's no coincidence that men like snout-in-trough and ultra Blairite Stephen Byers are also involved as one of the main cheerleaders for COMplus.
Update: Hat Tip to B-BBC reader Cassandra King, who (I had not seen) had posted on this earlier; also to EU Referendum's Richard North, who told me last night about COMplus and also ensured that the previous B-BBC postings on WST were linked to his post.
Thursday, 25 March 2010
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Britannia Radio