Tuesday, 09 March 2010 10:19 'Just in case you doubted the complete incompetence of medical scientists after the H1N1 swine flu scam, they are now claiming that the ADHD drug Ritalin boosts learning. Oh yes, you heard right! Ritalin, a drug that causes brain changes similar to cocaine is going to help people learn now. Ritalin is the brand name for methylphenidate. Although introduced way back in 1956, experts still aren’t sure exactly how it works. It is a stimulant. Methylphenidate affects the way a patient’s brain responds to impulses. It can cause anorexia, heart palpitations, blood pressure/pulse changes, cardiac arrhythmia, anemia, psychosis, liver failure, brain inflammation, decreased white blood cell count among other effects. However, according to scientists studying the drug, the risks just don’t exceed the learning benefits acquired by children who use the drug.' Read more: Reality Reversals Continue: Scientists Now Propose That Ritalin Boosts Learning Tuesday, 09 March 2010 10:12 With Anthony Lawson around who needs the Chilcot Inquiry? The art of questioning performed here by Lawson is not presented at the Iraq Inquiry. In Britain 2010, war criminals are yet to be challenged. Tuesday, 09 March 2010 10:07 'So, the headlines say somebody else has died due to video game addiction. Yes, it's Korea again. What the hell? Look, I'm not saying video games are heroin. I totally get that the victims had other shit going on in their lives. But, half of you reading this know a World of Warcraft addict and experts say video game addiction is a thing. So here's the big question: Are some games intentionally designed to keep you compulsively playing, even when you're not enjoying it? Oh, hell yes. And their methods are downright creepy.' Read more: Five Creepy Ways Video Games Are Trying to Get You Addicted Tuesday, 09 March 2010 09:59 'It is a universal political truth that administrations do not begin to fragment when things are going well: it only happens when they go badly, and those who think they know better begin to attack those who manifestly do not. The descent of Barack Obama's regime, characterised now by factionalism in the Democratic Party and talk of his being set to emulate Jimmy Carter as a one-term president, has been swift and precipitate. It was just 16 months ago that weeping men and women celebrated his victory over John McCain in the American presidential election. If they weep now, a year and six weeks into his rule, it is for different reasons.' Tuesday, 09 March 2010 09:40 Who benefits from invading and occupying Iraq? Are Americans defending U.S. national security, or the security of our colonial outpost in the Arab World? This interview discusses the neoconservative Zionist cabal of the Bush administration who beat the drums for our illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq. Tuesday, 09 March 2010 09:30 'In Athens, Greek Ministry of Internal Affairs officers stormed the state printing office. It is reported by TV channel "Russia 24". Greek police want to prevent the publication of government paper with the text of the law of the new stringent economy measures of the federal budget. According to the law of the country, passed the law can take effect only after publication in the official newspaper of the Government of Greece. The bill, which caused such a reaction, provides a significant reduction in salaries, bonuses and holiday pay, the growth of other taxes and excise taxes.'
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
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Britannia Radio