Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Chief of Staff: "Ready for any threat - from near and far"

IDF Spokesperson 10 March 2010 , 13:15
Jonathan Urich

On Tuesday evening, the Chief of the General Staff, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi
during his visit to the United States, spoke at the annual dinner hosted by 
the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF). "I am telling you from this 
stage: We will triumph over those who seek to destroy us. We will win thanks 
to the courage of our soldiers and their moral compass," said Chief of the 
General Staff in his speech, at an event held at New York's Waldorf Astoria 

In his speech, Lt. Gen Gabi Ashkenazi emphasized that "Iran was the main 
threat to world peace, and gradually attempting to harvest regional 
instability through its proxies: Hezbollah, Hamas and other terrorist 
organizations. Therefore the international community must stop the Iranian 
nuclear program for its own sake.
"All options should remain on the table. We are developing advanced weapons 
and technologies and increasing the number of military exercises and 
training, while raising reserve troops' readiness for war. We are doing this 
to be ready for any threat - from near and far," he added.

Close cooperation between the IDF and the U.S.

On Tuesday morning (Mar. 9), the Chief of the General Staff attended several 
short work meetings in Washington, during which he met with senior officials 
at the White House, Senate and Pentagon including a meeting with National 
Security Advisor Jim Jones. In addition, he met with U.S. Chairman of the 
Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Michael Mullen, who recently visited Israel
The meeting lasted about an hour and a half, and focused on the Iranian 

During his speech at the FIDF dinner in New York, Lt. Gen. Ashkenazi 
referred to the close cooperation between the IDF and the U.S. army and 
noted that one
example of our successful cooperation was the Juniper Cobra 10 - an exercise 
which tested the missile defense system collaboration. He continued by 
stating that "these steps reflect significant progress in expanding the 
dialogue, cooperation and readiness of the two armies."