This weekend, save America. Next week, save Israel.
Parker G is psyched and writes, "There is going to be a video town hall tonight night in Pittsburgh from 7 to 9 with Bachmann and other brave conservatives. The NRCC is hosting and the Pittsburgh Tea party movement are coming in mass to this. Congressman Jason Altmire is on the fencebetween "yes and no", there hasn't been a ton of love between Pittsburgh Tea party and the RNC, but today they are fighting a common enemy.
Altmire is going to be under grass roots pressure all day at his offices, tonight our girl Bachmann will bring more pain. This event breaks those long standing rules of "don't mess with my district", small aspects like this can be the difference between a yes and a hell no vote. Let's once again help the folks on the front lines, we are hitting critical times where every single vote will count."
Get on the phones. Get to DC this weekend:
Unprecedented TEA Party &; Grassroots Coalition Aligns to 'Kill The Bill'; Rally Saturday at Capitol, Other Events Across CountryAn unprecedented coalition of grassroots and "tea party" groups is launching the final push before a possible vote by the House. Coming together under the auspices of the American Grassroots Coalition, various events held by different groups will be coordinated, including a noon rally at the U.S. Capitol on Saturday, a candlelight vigil and "virtual vigil" leading up to the vote.Featured speakers at the Washington, D.C. Rally on Saturday will include:Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann (MN)Congressman Tom Price (GA)Congressman Joe Wilson (SC)Congressman Phil Gingrey (GA)State Senator Judson Hill (GA)Actor & Activist Jon VoightDr. Milton Wolf, Barack Obama's second cousin who opposes ObamacareColin Hanna, Let Freedom RingJim Martin, 60 PlusPhil Kerpen, Americans for ProsperityTim Phillips, Americans for ProsperityAndrew Langer, Institute for LibertyKathryn Serkes, Doctor Patient Medical AssociationMark Skoda, Memphis Tea PartyAmy Kremer, Tea Party ExpressJennifer Hulsey, American Grassroots CoalitionFreedomWorks RepresentativeBen Cunningham, Founder of the Tennessee Tax RevoltDarla Dawald, Grassfire / ResistnetBACKGROUNDGrassroots activists everywhere have worked to inform themselves, notify their representatives of their objections and take action in the form of rallies, meetings and calls into those representatives. Individual groups have worked to stop the health care legislation while coordinating with each other to amplify their message and their efforts.
Looks like there is more at stake than a tea party this weekend. Looks like a battle royale of the forces for good versus the evil enemy within. Ann over atPotomac tea Party points out:
As Tea Party groups get ready to go to Washington this weekend for one final push to try to stop the so-called health carereform behemoth, they need to know they will not be alone in DC.
There are two huge demonstrations that have been scheduled for months involving demonstrators that will not see eye-to-eye with Tea Party activists.
First there is the International ANSWER anti-war demonstration tomorrow, Saturday, the 20th. The organizers are primarily Marxists, labor union, immigrant advocates and Muslim activists. They are an angry group often calling themselves anarchists (although they don’t understand the definition of anarchist!).
I went to a counter-demonstration called the Gathering of Eagles in March 2007 and mounted National Park policemen had to keep our group of largely Vietnam vets separated from them for fear violence would erupt.
Also, happening this weekend on Sunday is a demonstration expected to draw tens of thousands of Open Borders advocates with a large contingent of immigrant marchers. This demonstration has also been organized for some time by this front group of George Soros and the Tides Foundation. It involves many church groups—Catholics, Lutherans and the crop walk people—Church World Service. Obviously I wouldn’t expect them to be threatening but they are also being organized by LABOR UNIONS (we have seen what their thugs can do) and I suspect that many of the “anarchists” from the Saturday demonstration will be staying over to help their immigrant advocate friends.
I expect everyone will be in different parts of the city and hopefully the National Park Police are geared up, but just stay clear of some very rough people who will be in Washington with you tomorrow and Sunday!
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, March 19, 2010 at 01:09 PM in Action Alert, CONSERVATIVE COUNTERINSURGENCY/GUERRILLA NEWSFARE, Take Back America! | Permalink | Comments (0)ShareThis
Friday, March 19, 2010
(hat tip Armaros). Scenes from Islam:

This is an extremely sick and disgusting punishment, and thus watching this video can make you weak or possibly give you nausea and shock for several days. Please do not watch if you are weak-hearted.
Islam gets results.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, March 19, 2010 at 04:06 PM in Global Jihad 2010 | Permalink | Comments (0) ShareThis
Americorps, Obama's Scandal-Plagued Indoctrination Machine Pamela Geller, Big Government
It’s great to be a prisoner in Obama’s America: you get stimulus dollars, preferential job placement, and a place in AmeriCorps. But if you’re a child in public school, watch out.
Obama said he was going to build a civilian army — and he is using our children. He is recruiting in public school classrooms: I exclusively broke the story about how his group Organizing for America is recruiting in the classroom. But AmeriCorps (can Obama pronounce the second syllable?) is the primary machinery for his youth army. And there is huge dough behind it — yours and mine. And that money is now being used to mandate service programs that indoctrinate our children to work for “the common good.”
America is the most beneficent nation in the world. We give the most to charity (though Republicans far out-give Democrats), and whenever there is a disaster in the world, we are there. On a local level, we donate a ton of money to community programs.
So why is service being mandated? Mandated service is slavery. Voluntary service is empathy. Empathy is the positive result of a moral value system, as taught in a proper educational curriculum.
We give to our community because we want to (not because we have to) — but this new AmeriCorps program appears to be mandatory. What ever happened to parents teaching their children to help out in the local community? Why is community service being defined, controlled, and essentially even regulated and dictated by the Federal Government? What ever happened to people buying groceries and dropping them off at St. Vincent’s Kitchen — or privately sponsoring a homeless family for Christmas at the local shelter, or helping a neighbor who is out of work and needs food? Or working in the food bank at the local church or synagogue?
Is it truly community service of the heart if it is passed off for a mandatory grade at a public school?
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, March 19, 2010 at 02:30 PM in Atlas Articles, Education: Hijacking the System, Obama's Shadow Government | Permalink | Comments (0) ShareThis
Check out my latest editorial at The American Thinker, "Switching Sides":
In a stunning and historic reversal of American foreign policy, the United States is now backing one of the same horses it fought duringWorld War II. Instead of fighting against Nazism and racism, Obama has effectively joined the jihad waged during World War II by the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini.
Hamas has called for a new intifada against the Jewish people. This is the fruit of Obama's pro-jihad policies. The American-Israeli relationship has suffered its deepest rift in decades: a dispute over new Jewish homes that are being built in northern Jerusalem, just north of the Sanhedria neighborhood. This is not Arab "East Jerusalem," as the mainstream media keeps saying. And as Palestinians threw stones at Israeli soldiers at checkpoints and Muslims rioted throughout Jerusalem, an increasingly pathetic Hillary Clinton said that Israel "must prove it is committed to peace 'with actions.'"
In response, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu issued a statement saying, "With regard to commitments to peace, the government of Israel has proven over the last year that it is committed to peace, both in words and actions." According to Haaretz, "The statement cited as examples Netanyahu's inaugural foreign policy speech made at Bar Ilan University, the removal of hundreds of roadblocks across the West Bank, and its decision to freeze temporarily construction in West Bank settlements. The latter, said the statement, was even called by Clinton an 'unprecedented' move."
The Muslims are free to live in Israel, but Jews cannot live among Muslims or in Muslim lands. This is what America is standing up for?
The world has been down this road before. Tuesday, Muslims fought police in Hebron, which was the site of a Muslim massacre of Jews in 1929 -- one of many jihads in Hebron. Obama is placing America on the side of those who revere and imitate Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, whose central role in the Holocaust has been ignored by historians for decades. Maurice Pearlman's forgotten 1947 book, The Mufti of Jerusalem, exposes the Mufti and shows what will be the outcome of Obama's bullying of Israel and support for the Palestinians.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, March 19, 2010 at 12:23 PM in Atlas Articles, Obama: Lethal for Israel | Permalink | Comments (5) ShareThis
Atlas live on CLASH radio with Doug Giles at 11:30 -- listen now here.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, March 19, 2010 at 11:31 AM in Radio Interviews | Permalink | Comments (0) ShareThis
New tax mandates and penalties included in Obamacare will cause the greatest expansion of the Internal Revenue Service since World War II, according to a release from Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas.
A new analysis by the Joint Economic Committee and the House Ways & Means Committee minority staff estimates up to 16,500 new IRS personnel will be needed to collect, examine and audit new tax information mandated on families and small businesses in the ‘reconciliation’ bill being taken up by the U.S. House of Representatives this weekend. (more)
The new fascism, same as the old fascism.
The Internal Revenue Service would gain sweeping new powers under President Obama's healthcare reform proposals, in what Republicans on the House Ways and Means Committee are calling a "dangerous expansion" of IRS powers.That's according to a nine-page Republican report from the Committee on Ways and Means on Thursday. It's titled "The Wrong Prescription" Democrats' Health Overhaul Dangerously Expands IRS Authority."Among the new powers the IRS would assume, the report says: The authority to confiscate tax refunds, to impose fines of over $2,200 per taxpayer, and to verify whether taxpayers' health insurance coverage is "acceptable."One measure of the scope of the IRS' new responsibilities under the healthcare overhaul: The agency might have to hire as many as 16,500 additional auditors, agents, and other employees in order to administer the program, according to Rep. Dave Camp, R-Mich., the ranking Republican on the Ways and Means Committee."It is a very dangerous expansion of the IRS' power and reach into the lives of virtually every American," Camp said in a statement released Thursday afternoon.The Ways and Means report portrays healthcare reform as having a wide-ranging impact on how the IRS operates, including:IRS agents would be tasked with determining whether Americans had obtained the insurance coverage required under the individual mandate.Individuals could be fined $2,250 or 2 percent of income, whichever is greater, if you are unable to prove you have "minimum essential coverage."The IRS would be empowered to confiscate tax refunds if necessary.Audits probably would increase as a result of the legislation's new requirements.The budget for IRS operations will balloon by $10 billion in the next decade in order to administrate the new program.Nearly half of the new individual mandate taxes will be paid "by Americans earning less than 300 percent of poverty, $66150 for a family of four.A statement that Democrats are sure to dispute, the report, which Camp and fellow GOP Rep. Charles Boustany of Louisiana prepared, says healthcare reform would "fundamentally alter the relationship between the IRS and taxpayers."Essentially, the Republicans state, the reform bill makes the IRS responsible for "tracking the monthly health insurance status of roughly 300 million Americans."
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, March 19, 2010 at 11:07 AM in Universal Healthcare Kills | Permalink | Comments (0) ShareThis
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Was Nancy Pelosi always evil? Was Harry Reid? Was Barack Hussein Obama? No, they didn't start out in life as bad people. Somewhere along the line, most likely not as kids, teenagers, or young adults, but as they aged and acquired political power, something inside them metastasized into a monstrosity of their former selves.And in the process, they became evil.Yet it is not true that power corrupts necessarily. Power did not corrupt Ronald Reagan. It's not power in itself that is the avenue to evil, it's one's values and principles. Valuing the founding American principle that every individual has a moral right to his or her own life, liberty, and the pursuit of their own personal happiness enables a politician to resist the temptation to use power to control other's lives.It is disregarding that founding principle that provides the path to evil - which we could define as the compulsion to control the lives of others, the willingness to sacrifice the lives and happiness of others in order to achieve your own goals.And yes, Democrats have a word for this evil. They call it "compassion."They have other words for their moral cannibalism, such as "fairness" and "social justice."There are many lessons to be drawn from this, but the one to focus on right now is that the evil currently personified by Pelosi-Reid-Obama is compulsive. It is relentless. Liberals will never ever give up and leave us alone. It is the purpose of their lives to control ours. Evil never sleeps.The individuals will come and go. Today it's Pelosi Galore and Zero. Tomorrow there'll be others in their place. The specific issues, crises, and causes will come and go. The chosen passion of the Left as a rationale for controlling people was Marxism until the fall of the Soviet Union. Now in Marxism's place is Global Warming. When that fails, they'll find something else.This is not to preach pessimism. Pessimism promotes surrender to evil. It is to preach the appropriate antidote to pessimism in face of relentless evil - realistic optimism.The natural benevolence of normal people makes them resistant to recognizing evil initially. Folks in the 1930s couldn't believe Stalin was purposefully starving 10 million Ukrainians to death. Even when we were at war with Hitler, no one could believe the reports of his murdering millions of Jews in concentration camps. All of this was such hideous evil that it was literally inconceivable to normal people.It took Pearl Harbor for us to recognize the evil of Tojo's Imperial Japan. It took Hitler's idiotic mistake of declaring war on us after Pearl Harbor (as he was an Axis ally of Japan) to open our eyes to him. Then we did what it took to rid the world of Nazism and Japan's Co-Prosperity Sphere, including firebombing Dresden and nuking Hiroshima/Nagasaki with no apologies whatever.We couldn't do that to the Commies of the Soviet Union because they got nukes as well. The Libs thus excused their evil and said we'd just have to accommodate it - until Ronald Reagan decided, "We win - they lose," and won the Cold War by engineering the implosion of the Soviet Empire from within.Shortly thereafter, in a spasm of unrealistic pollyannic optimism, a bright guy named Frank Fukuyama wrote a stupid book, The End of History, which quickly became a runaway bestseller - because people wanted to be told they didn't have to fight evil anymore.You'd have thought that the Atrocity of 9/11 would have disabused people of the no-more-evil lunacy - but what disarmed them morally from going after Jihadi Moslems like we went after the Nazis was that Islamic Totalitarianism disguised itself as a religion.This disguise was so intimidating that the president of the United States went on national television a few days after 9/11 praising Islam as a "religion of peace." Just how a criminally pathological ideology having the respect of a "religion" castrates our capacity to fight it is explained in What If Hitler Was God? (September 2005).Very fortunately, we have no such inhibitions regarding Liberalism, Obamaism - more appropriately Zeroism - and Democrat Fascism. What is a worry regarding these pathologies is the delusion that victory over them will come with one final Waterloo - the defeat of ObamaCare, a tsunami wipeout of Dems next November, Zero losing to Sarah Palin in 2012, et al.Any of these will only be a temporary setback for the Fascist Left. They will remain dormant for a time, short or long, then the battle resumes. The battle is never over, it only waxes and wanes. We will be fighting this battle - unless we surrender - all our lives. Our children will fight this battle, and our grandchildren - unless they surrender.Evil never sleeps. So neither can we. We must always plan for the next battle and devise strategies to win it.
[...]The anti-Marxist, anti-Soviet guerrillas of RENAMO (Resistancia Nacional de Moçambicana) fighting the Communist seizure of their country of Mozambique in the 1980s, and with whom I spent some time, had as their rallying cry:A Luta Continuá - The Struggle Continues.The struggle for freedom and against the forces of fascism will always continue. We have the morality of freedom, America's founding principles, and 300 million guns in private hands on our side. That's a very good basis for realistic optimism.An optimism tempered in the reality that the evil we face is in fact evil, that it means us and our country harm, that it is ruthless, that it is relentless, that it will never abandon its attempt to control our lives.Only by facing this reality can we begin to not only hold Democrat Fascists at bay from further destruction of our freedom, but start to recapture the territory of freedom they have stolen from us.And this way, no matter what happens to ObamaCare, we can use its passage or failure to expand our freedom, and make Pelosi-Reid-Obama evil if not go to sleep, at least take a nice long nap.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, March 18, 2010 at 10:34 PM in Democrats' New Leadership: Slash and Burn, Democrats, Dhimmicrats, Democraps ........aka The Fifth Column, Universal Healthcare Kills | Permalink | Comments (6) ShareThis
Obama is talking about giving Palestinian Muslims a military shield against Palestinian Jews in Israel.
Meanwhile, America's unwavering support of Israel is at a near record high.
Obama blocks delivery of bunker-busters to Israel World Tribune
The United States has diverted a shipment of bunker-busters designated for Israel.
Officials said the U.S. military was ordered to divert a shipment of smart bunker-buster bombs from Israel to a military base in Diego Garcia. They said the shipment of 387 smart munitions had been slated to join pre-positioned U.S. military equipment in Israel Air Force bases.
"This was a political decision," an official said.
In 2008, the United States approved an Israeli request for bunker-busters capable of destroying underground facilities, including Iranian nuclear weapons sites. Officials said delivery of the weapons was held up by the administration of President Barack Obama.
Since taking office, Obama has refused to approve any major Israeli requests for U.S. weapons platforms or advanced systems. Officials said this included proposed Israeli procurement of AH-64D Apache attack helicopters, refueling systems, advanced munitions and data on a stealth variant of the F-15E.
"All signs indicate that this will continue in 2010," a congressional source familiar with the Israeli military requests said. "This is really an embargo, but nobody talks about it publicly."
And while I disagree with Pipes on the true nature of Islam, he got this right:
America’s shiny new Palestinian militia
The stupidest program the US government has ever undertaken”; that’s how I last year called American efforts to improve the Palestinian Authority military force. Slightly hyperbolic, yes, but the description fits because those efforts enhance the fighting power of enemies of the US and its Israeli ally.First, a primer about the program, drawing on a recent Center of Near East Policy Research study by David Bedein and Arlene Kushner: Shortly after Yasser Arafat died in late 2004, the US government established the Office of the US Security Coordinator to reform, recruit, train and equip the PA militia (called the National Security Forces or Quwwat al-Amn al-Watani) and make them politically accountable.For nearly all of its existence, the office has been headed by Lt.-Gen. Keith Dayton. Since 2007, American taxpayers have funded it to the tune of $100 million a year. Many agencies of the US government have been involved in the program, including the State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, the SecretService and branches of the military.The PA militia has in total about 30,000 troops, of which four battalions comprising 2,100 troops have passed scrutiny for lack of criminal or terrorist ties and undergone 1,400 hours of training at an American facility in Jordan. There they study subjects ranging from small-unit tactics and crime-scene investigations to first aid and human rights law.[...]...............those troops will more likely be a war partner than a peace partner for Israel. Consider their likely role in several scenarios:• No Palestinian state: Dayton proudly calls the US-trained forces “founders of a Palestinian state,” a polity he expects to come into existence by 2011. What if – as has happened often before – the Palestinian state does not emerge on schedule? Dayton himself warns of “big risks,” presumably meaning that his freshly-minted troops would start directing their firepower against Israel.• Palestinian state: The PA has never wavered in its goal of eliminating Israel, as the briefest glance at documentation collected by Palestinian Media Watch makes evident. Should the PA achieve statehood, it will certainly pursue its historic goal – only now equipped with a shiny new American-trained soldiery and arsenal.[...]• Hamas defeats the PA: Should the PA succumb to Hamas, it will absorb at least some of “Dayton’s men” into its own militia and deploy them in the effort to eliminate the Jewish state.• Hamas and PA cooperate: Even as Dayton imagines he is preparing a militia to fight Hamas, the PA leadership participates in Egyptian-sponsored talks with Hamas about power sharing – raising the specter that the US trained forces and Hamas will coordinate attackson Israel.THE LAW of unintended consequences provides one temporary consolation: As Washington sponsors the PA forces and Teheran sponsors those of Hamas, Palestinian forces are more ideologically riven, perhaps weakening their overall ability to damage Israel.
On this, I couldn't disagree more vehemently with Pipes. It is their ideology that will damage Israel and has made reason, logic, negotiation and humanity a fool's pursuit. We appease while the monster grows and gets stronger.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, March 18, 2010 at 05:59 PM in Obama: Lethal for Israel | Permalink | Comments (28) ShareThis
Police illegally stop party to use the freedom of speechDenmark is slowly moving towards a situation where people fear reprisals if they openly say their opinions.Police are actually supporting the violent forces who want to silence the people who tell the truth about them.The SIOE Party wants to demonstrate in front of the mosque that is going to be rebuilt to be one of the biggest mosques presently in Denmark. The demonstration is planned for 27th March at 14.00 outside the existing mosque on Vibevej in Copenhagen.The huge mosque is going to be built with blood-money from the most bloodthirsty organisation in the Iranian theocracy, namely the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
The president of Iran, Ahmedinejad, held a meeting with the Danish based Iranian imam - who is going to run the mosque - when he was in Denmark at the climate conference in December.
Therefore SIOE expects the worst from this mosque, when it is obvious that it is directly connected to one of the worst brutes in the world – puppet-president Ahmadinejad - and that is why SIOE intends to fight it by all legal means.However the Copenhagen police have denied us the right to demonstrate in front of the mosque, because Ahmadinejad’s muslim and Danish adherents could cause trouble when they demonstrate against SIOE. That is why the police have ordered SIOE to demonstrate in front of a government building that is situated far from the mosque. The Danish politicians are not present in the building on Saturdays, so we have of course said no to that place and demand that we get the permission to demonstrate in front of the mosque.
We urge the Danish politicians to demand that the Police obey the Danish constitution.§ 79 Citizens shall, without previous permission, be at liberty to assemble unarmed. The police shall be entitled to be present at public meetings. Open-air meetings may be prohibited when it is feared that they may constitute a danger to the public peace.Given that a breach of the peace is not to be feared from SIOE, the police cannot forbid our demonstration, but may only prohibit possible counter-demonstrations that the police might fear could cause a breach of the peace.We have now send a complaint to the National Commissioner of the Danish Police and are awaiting an answer.The party SIOE finds it completely disastrous, that Denmark is fighting a fight against a tactic called "war on terror" instead of being honest and calling it the war against islam, because islam is in war with us! At the same time our soldiers fight and die for our freedom in Afghanistan, the politicians who have stationed the Danish soldiers there, have approved special treatment in Denmark for that so-called faith, that kills our soldiers in Afghanistan.The politicians have not only approved a mosque, they have also denied the original population to object to the mosque funded by Ahmadinejad.A mosque is not just a kind of church, like many Danish people think, and as the adherents of islam want us to believe. A mosque is a kind of political headquarters for islam, given that islam is an ideology. From the big mosque islam’s infrastructure will expand in Denmark, a country that has not yet become islamic.When the Islamic infrastructure is solid and wellfounded with enough mosques spread around Denmark the islamisation will start in earnest.Therefore SIOE will not accept that the enemy we are fighting in Afghanistan can expand its infrastructure in our country, unrestricted. It is very startling that the Danish police are denying our right to demonstrate outside the political headquarters of Ahmadinejad.If you are angry that the freedom of expression is violated in Denmark, then write to the National Commissioner of the Danish Police here:KPE004@politi.dkand/or to the Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen: