Tuesday, 2 March 2010

by Emanuel A. Winston,
Freeman Center Middle East Analyst & Commentator
G-d said to the nations: 
"Do Not Harm My Prophets!" but, they ignored His warning.
Over thousands of years we have seen the nations and their people behave with cruelty toward each other but, they reserved their most egregious  hatred for the Jewish people. No act was too monstrous in which they did not indulge against the people of G-d’s Covenant.
Why do they hate this minority of a people who brought the One G-d to replace the numerous pagan gods and idols venerated by the world’s superstitious tribes? Suddenly, the priest cults, who could no longer claim to be serving a panoply of gods and idols, started to lose their elevated status and privileges. The priest cults could no longer make human sacrifices of women and children so their pagan gods would give them crops, fertility to make children, superiority in war, wealth, women, whatever they could loot and, perhaps, immortality - all exceeding the porn of today.
The priest cults claimed the best of what and who was captured. Naturally, the priest cults resented this new G-d and the Jewish people who were His servants. Eventually, new religions began to emerge using the base of Jewish Torah law but altered to suit their needs to be ‘separate’ .
The priest cults couldn’t accept being a spin-off or a junior member of a religion that was based on one G-d. So, the priest cult of first Christianity and then Islam, set about to demonize the roots of their new religion and to demonstrate how they were the proper, only rightful heirs to the Covenant. 
But, still the Jews had to be removed so there would be no doubt as to who were the rightful replacements of the Jews. Much later, Mohammed was driven out of Mecca to Medina, where he found safety among the Jewish Koreish tribes. He began to absorb some of the teaching and practices of his benefactors - which he ‘Islamized’ in his ‘Suras’ (verses).
The Koran became the working plan as envisioned by Mohammed but, when read carefully, much of the Torah and the Christian New Testament appears in the Koran. Thus began the new religion of Islam.     Mohammed morphed the pagan Moon god Zin into Allah’s rules in Islam.
Thus began the arduous journey for both Christian and Muslim to prove that they, not the Jews, were the only correct heirs to G-d’s Covenant.
The libraries of each filled to overflowing with books, scrolls, opinions which always weighted the scales with their proofs that they were the Chosen. But, in the meantime, as long as Jews and now their Nation/State of Israel continue to exist, Chriwtianity and Islam are consumed with disposing of their Jewish challengers who in fact, do not bother to challenge. The role of the Jews is to be a "Light Unto The Nations", according to Covenant. This they have done although not yet to the level they should or could.
In the meantime, the war against the Jews continues, sometimes less, sometimes more but, always there. It can be expected that the Muslim Arab Palestinians will soon mount another "Intifada" (Uprising against the ‘infidel’ - unbelievers in Islam), regrettably, with the support of Christian Europe and, most likely, the American President.
Under Israel’s Prime Minister Binyamin (Bibi) Netanyahu, acting like the doormat for President Barack Hussein Obama and the former Israeli PM, current Defense Minister Ehud Barak who has managed to keep the Jewish settlers poorly armed. No doubt, we will lose many Jewish families under their watch.
Hopefully, Barak will then be hunted down as the traitor he has been and dealt with in the Biblical fashion, namely, an eye for an eye, a life for a life through the courts for his perfidy.
G-d said: "Do not touch My Prophets!"   But, the Ishmaelites and the Christian nations ignored G-d’s Warnings. The trial of men has begun, in case you haven’t noticed. The failures are global, coming in all forms. Unimaginable punishment, as happened to Pharaoh, only worse, is coming in retribution to the nations for persecuting Israel, her people for now and in the past.
Great nations will fall.  Of that, I am sure. People across the face of the Land will suffer His now awakened wrath. The Land will spit out hateful people. The money that men live by will turn to nothing.  The winter freezes the ground so the crops cannot be planted in the spring. That will be followed by parched earth in summer - without rain. Every earthquake, tsunami, volcano eruption, extreme weather, financial meltdowns can be seen as G-d's just retribution.
There will be more retribution for what the nations have done. That includes Jews who who have turned against their own people. They too, carry the judgement of G-d’s curse for betraying their own.

G-d also said: "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you!"