(If we are stupid enough to allow it)
The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday
The technique that I call the Totalitarian Tiptoe can clearly be seen with regard to the agenda for mass human microchipping.
To come out of nowhere and seek to impose compulsory microchipping at birth would be many steps too far and too quick for public acceptance and so, as with most of the Control System, it is done in increments, like adding strands one at a time and building a web by stealth.
First they had to introduce the principle of microchipping and get people used to it. Once it becomes a norm at one level they move on to the next. The prime means of doing this has been the microchipping of animals, especially dogs, which was introduced as a voluntary scheme – ‘microchip your dog and you’ll never lose Fido again’.
Now we are seeing the next stage – exactly the sequence planned for humans – in which dogs in the UK, and then further a field, are to be subjected to compulsory microchipping, according to government proposals announced this week ...
... The human microchip will allow the population to be tracked every minute of their lives and there would never be a single second in a lifetime when the authorities would not know where you were. It is about more than just surveillance, however.
Even most of those who are aware of the microchipping agenda think it’s all about surveillance, and on one level it is, but only by understanding the true nature of reality and the human body can the even more sinister aspects of the microchipping agenda be seen. The body is a biological computer and they want to implant the microchip to hijack its electrochemical systems and control every human being mentally, emotionally and physically
Ahhh, but they are 'pets' or cattle to the Control System